Friday, August 31, 2007
TEAM building … How-to's
NAME your team.
You don't have to do it yourself; this can be a fun meeting activity.
Naming your team gives you a sense of unity - of working together.
Naming your team also helps you with a theme for team prizes, tee-shirts (for conventions and meetings), etc;
A team name also helps long distance team members feel a sense of belonging.
Define and clarify your TEAM culture. What are you known for? What do you want to be known for? Perhaps your team has always been strong sellers but you would like to focus now on building up the number of consultants and ultimately promoting out new leaders. You need to create that culture into existence by stating that goal often and everywhere.
Your email signature can say Mary Smith, Proud Manager of the Shining Stars - Leaders in Motion
Talk about this to new consultants who join the team. In your welcome letter you might say something like, “Welcome to our team, the Shining Stars - where we help people experience success through upward mobility.”
Lead your team to success with positive role modeling. If you are a strong seller - your team will most likely be strong sellers as well. If you need to round things out and get some team recruiting going - then you first must do whatever it takes to become a strong recruiter. This too will help to cement that culture within your team.
Keep if FUN! Run contests monthly or weekly to create a spirit of camaraderie and mutual support. Some examples of contests you might run for recruiting are:
Who recruits the most long distance team members by the next meeting?
Who is the first to recruit someone in the next 48 hours?
Each one reach one (make it a goal that each team member recruit just one new person in a month's time)
Phone marathons - if your group is large enough - divide into groups of three or four consultants and on a designated evening for a designated amount of time (90 minutes or so), hit the phones and compare results. The winning team gets lots of recognition.
Creating a TEAM atmosphere in your organization will build loyalty, increase longevity of team members and ultimately help everyone to experience success.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
In the past couple of years - the signs that indicate an individual realtors name are beginning to be replaced by “TEAM” signs - (The Cobb Team, The Ganden Team, etc;). It seems that realtors have finally decided to jump onto a bandwagon that has been rolling in the party plan and direct sales industry for over a decade.
The concept of TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) caught on in my company in the early nineties - replacing the former “GROUP” concept - when referring to one's sales organization.
Wikipedia defines TEAM as: a group of people or animals linked in a common purpose.
There is strength in numbers and strength in purpose. When everyone in your organization is working towards a common goal - the results can be exciting and rewarding for all involved.
As a coach/manager - your challenge is to work effectively with individuals who run independent businesses and unite them - motivating them to work towards a TEAM goal. Now at first - this task may sound daunting. Why would someone running their own business be interested in a TEAM goal? After all - aren't YOU (as the upline) - the only one who will benefit financially?
Not so. Working together creates synergy and excitement. And let's face it. This business can be lonely at times, wouldn't you agree? But it is a lot more fun and the propensity for procrastination is reduced GREATLY when you know that others are working towards the same end result.
Ultimately, by working more consistently and enthusiastically - fueled by the group synergy - the individual reaps the benefits of personal business success; increased sales and recruiting activity. And of course increased activity ALWAYS translates into increased RESULTS and increased INCOME. It is a win-win situation.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Seattle Spin Opportunity
Just one day after I slumped onto the couch after "La Mode" I received this email and was FEELING the Law of Attraction in my corner! When you continue to put yourself out there the opportunities keep pouring in!
Many of you may have remembered Darnell's post after I met with her in Seattle and helped her create her own signature fragrance! Well here is the email that was gracing my inbox...
"Hi Shawna, How are you?! I have an event coming up that I would love to let you know about just in case you might be interested in sponsoring; I thought you'd be perfect!
As you know, I write a blog for the Seattle PI, but I am getting ready to write an online publication for Seattle Spin ( called Seattle Spin Girl where I will feature product and beauty reviews, the Seattle Social and Fashion Scene and much more. Seattle Spin and Girl About Town are hosting an event in October to celebrate (the 12th or the 19th) this new publication and we are looking for fab sponsors to help complete our Goodie Bags.
In exchange for this sponsorship/donation, we can list you in Seattle Spin (circ. 153,700), as well as in the new Seattle Spin Girl on-line publication, should that work for you.
Let me know your thoughts and if you are interested, I can give you more details and specifics. Let me know what you think and I'm looking forward to chatting with you soon! :)
Darnell Sue
Girl About Town, LLC "
And even better I just signed up for Net Party! See if they have one in your area and find some fresh ways to network and get the UB story out there!
I'll let you all know what I decide to do for Seattle Spin and how that will work. The more you do, the more opportunities will come your way! Get your fall rocking!
For a sneak preview of my interview with Beauty Buffet hitting the web on 9/1 click here...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Do you La Mode? My Fashion Show Report...
Before things started my Mom and I manned the Urban Botanic booth and sprayed my FD business cards with "La Mode" the fragrance to hand out to all that came in. A few want to purchase the scent of the evening and others want to have parties to create their own so I'm looking forward to some great customers from the evening. As they entered the fashion show my Mom and I would say "This is the signature fragrance La Mode created for the fashion show this evening. Enjoy!"
People would come back and start to spray their bodies (all glammed up for the show of course) and wear it personally to see what they thought! It was fabulous x 50.
I wanted to post the email I received from the show coordinator Courtney Russell so you all can see how great they thought it was!
"Hi Shawna,
I hope you and your mom enjoyed yourself! I wanted to let you know I’ve heard great things about the la mode fragrance and Nick and Andrae loved their personalized scents! Nick was using the next morning on our way to a workshop! We’ll send a whole thank you packet your way, but I personally wanted to say thanks and let you know how much people love your fragrance!
Courtney Russell"
Below you'll find the pics from the evening. I'm still horrified at what braces and a chubby face look like on camera but please be gentle with your comments LOL...
Nick and Andrae hosting La Mode:
Nick receiving his signature fragrance:
Andrae receiving his custom scent (see the recipe database for his concoction):
Andrae learning more about Urban Botanic:
And if that wasn't enough, Sue Darnell just emailed me yesterday about a fabulous new opportunity called Seattle Spin - details tomorrow!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Late Post due to Computer Crash
Avis has a wonderful post today that I hope you all have a chance to review. It's a huge kickstart into your fall season and 50 ways to do it right so thanks to Avis and get to reading!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Hive Member Spotlight - Wanda Matuska - IN

Stan & I have been married for 9 years this coming December 11th. We are a blended family with 4 kids, ages 27-21. Our first grandchild is due the first week of October & we’re extremely excited about that. I am from a small town in Southern Illinois, but have lived in Ft Wayne, IN for 18 years. I celebrated turning the BIG 5-0 this past June 21st.
I am an office manager and have been at the top of the pay scale in that field for awhile now. I have also grown tired of the 9-5 grind, so I started looking for business opportunities that would free me from the 9-5 and earnings restrictions. I researched several opportunities that I had read about in magazines, on the web and heard about through word-of-mouth. While I was doing this research, I ran across Urban Botanic. After narrowing down to 3 companies and digging deep into each one, I saw that Urban Botanic offered the best opportunity for me to grow my own business. After I saw the growth potential in UB, there was no real decision to sign on the dotted line. It was a no-brainer! Who in their right mind WOULDN’T want to be a part of this???
I have a wonderful husband who researched UB with me and is 100% supportive. I don’t have any family in the Ft Wayne area beyond my husband and kids. I’m going to have a million questions for The Hive, so just being there to offer advice and answer questions will be the biggest help to me. I am not one to keep success to myself, so I plan on sharing things that work for me and anyone is welcome to jump on board & try things that work for me.
I am 30% herby and 24% fruity. I was surprised to find myself mostly herby. I’ve always liked more of the floral scents & that was only 17%. But I can’t wait to get the kit and start mixing and see if the herby scents appeal to me.
My first goal is to make the UB Scentsational! My personal goal in joining UB is to be able to quit working outside the home & have the same or bigger income by August 2008!! I am DEFINITELY going to be a business builder in order to meet those goals. I can’t wait to start getting UB out & recognizable in Indiana!!!
One personality trait that will help me be successful at UB is that I’m a friendly and happy person, which I think will help me when talking to people about UB. And I’m EXCITED about my UB business, which will surely rub off on the people I’m talking to!
Shawna's Fun Questions:
If you were a tree what type would you be and why?
I would be an oak tree. It is strong and sure and can weather storms, but it can also be a quiet place for people to relax and reflect under it's shady leaves.
If you were given $1000 in marketing funds for UB how would you use it?
I would advertise in the larger newspapers in several Indiana cities, buy LOTS of product and pay for space at women's and bridal expos in Ft Wayne and Indianapolis.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Tom Hopkin's EIGHT recommended thank you notes
PS I so plan on using Tom's advice to write my note to Courtney O from IADT who invited me to La Mode in the 1st place!
Tom Hopkins, motivational speaker and world renowned sales trainer, provides us with his top eight suggestions for thank you notes:
After a telephone contact:
Thank you…for talking with me on the telephone. In today's business world, time is precious. You can rest assured that I will always be respectful of the time you invest as we discuss the possibility of a mutually beneficial business opportunity.
In person contact:
Thank you…it was a pleasure meeting you and my `thank you' is for the time we shared. We have been fortunate to service many happy clients, and it is my wish to someday be able to serve you. If you have any questions, please feel free to call.
Thank you after a presentation:
Thank you…for giving me the opportunity to discuss with you our association for the mutual benefit of our firms. We believe that quality, blended with excellent service, is the foundation for a successful business.
Thank you after purchase.
Thank you…for giving me the opportunity to offer you our finest service. We are confident that you will be happy with this investment towards future growth. My goal is to now offer excellent follow-up service so you will have no reservation about referring others to me who have similar needs as yours.
Thank you for a referral.
Thank you…for your kind referral. You can rest assured that anyone you refer to me will receive the highest degree of professional service possible.
Thank you after final refusal:
Thank you…For taking your time considering letting me serve you. It is with sincere regrets that your immediate plans do not include making the investment at this time. However, if you need further information or have any questions, please feel free to call. I will keep you posted on new developments and changes that may benefit you.
Thank you to anyone who gives YOU service
Thank you…It is gratifying to meet someone dedicated to doing a good job. Your efforts are sincerely appreciated. If my company or I can serve you in any way, please don't hesitate to call.
Anniversary thank you:
Thank you…it is with warm regards that I send you this note to say hello and again thanks for your past patronage. We are continually changing and improving our products and service. If you would like an update on our latest advancements, please give me a call.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Family and Business partnership (TSF)
We've spent the past couple of weeks talking about how you need to be prepared business wise for the fall season.
Equally as important, however, is being sure that your family/business balance is in good working order as well.
We are quickly moving from summer into `back to school' time. For those of you with school aged children - this means yet another change in routine - hopefully for the better.
With the children back in school - we have the `illusion' that we finally have TIME! However, that time can get eaten up quicker than you realize if you are not intentional when planning your days.
Office hours - Adjust them for back-to-school time and KEEP THEM! Don't get side-tracked on projects that can be done at times when you can't be on the phone.
After school - BE PRESENT for your kiddos when they walk in the door. Do everything in your power NOT to be on the phone when they walk in. That first 10 minutes is when they will spill their guts and tell you all the important things that happened in their day.
First thing in the morning - Know what's for dinner (pull out that crock pot again!), be sure your car is packed if you have a party that night and know what outfit you will wear.
Communicate - A master calendar for your family works wonders. When my kids were in school we used one from the office supply store that was for dry erase markers. We color coded all our family activities. That way, there were no surprises.
Set family goals - By involving your husband and children in goal setting - they will be more supportive of your business. For example; if you are working towards a family vacation to Disneyworld. Draw a thermometer that the kids can color in as you move closer to your goal. Tape a picture of Minnie and Mickey on the fridge - make it fun!
Ask for help - Kids as young as seven can learn to do their laundry (mine did) - even five year olds can stamp catalogs and it is never too early to teach a toddler or preschooler to help pick up his toys!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Four `must use' phrases for better customer service (TSF)
Wherever a problem first lands is the only place to solve it. These words assure customers that employees are empowered to make problems disappear.
“I'll take full responsibility”
When was the last time you heard these words? Nothing creates loyalty faster than people taking responsibility, admitting mistakes and creating solutions.
“We want your business!”
Remember the story about the librarian who said it would be easy to keep the library in order - if only people didn't keep checking out books? Too many businesses convey the impression that customers are an inconvenience.
“Consider it done!”
These magic words create more sales than all the training and marketing programs in the world. Assure customers they're in good hands, then, follow through. They'll never consider going anywhere else.
Excerpted from The New Magnet Marketing, John R. Graham, Chandler House, 335 Chandler St., Worcester, MA 01602
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Putting all your eggs in one basket - TSF
In our business, depending too heavily on one leg of your organization can be the recipe for disaster.
I had a conversation today with the husband of a friend who is in another party plan company. After eight years working hard to build her organization, she has decided to put up her feet and take the next several months off. She is frustrated because `the' hotshot (and her best working buddy) on her team is down for the count after giving birth to her fourth baby at the beginning of the year.
When a strong team member makes the decision to ease back on her business - it not only affects her downline - but it can be discouraging to you as the upline as well - especially if you count heavily on her.
As you grow your organization it is important to keep the following in mind:
Always keep your recruiting glasses on. New recruits are the best resource of new energy and enthusiasm on your team.
Keeping new blood coming on board assures that your `pool' of potential new leaders is continually full. It is important to continually be grooming new leadership.
Never get too comfortable with the leadership team that you have in place. You want to continually be helping THEM to be grooming new leadership in their downline as well. That way, if `life happens' and they decide to step back from their business - they have leaders in place to fill the gap they leave.
Always maintain some form of a relationship with your entire organization. As you build, you may not always have the opportunity to personally connect with each member regularly. However, make an effort to be sure that they know who you are so if the need for you to step in as an upline arises. You can do something as easy as sending them your business card and a hand written note on personalized stationery to welcome them to the team. It takes just a moment - but it will make a big impression.
Finally, when it comes to team building - never put all your eggs in one basket geographically either. It is important to grow your team in many areas. That way, if one area is affected by a natural disaster (like Hurricane Katrina for example) - you still have team members working in other parts of the country.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
New Member's Success Story
From Kim:
"The party last night went pretty well, except for me thinking I was going the wrong way, turning myself around and then gettin on the right track while driving to the house. Totally my fault as I don't know Vancouver, WA. :-)There were 4 girls, the mom of one of the girls whose home it was, and an extra lotion was made for a girl who was not there.
The girls smelled the sample scents while I finished getting the settings ready, then we got started. I introduced myself, Urban Botanic, then explained what we were going to do. I used the sheet in the Flip Book that gave some personality traits for each scent group. The girls then started smelling the oils from their "group" and whatever other ones they wanted to -- with a caution about closing the dropper lids. I used your tip of having the girls flip over the scent tracking sheet and writing down 3-5 of their favorites on the back.
I asked that when they were done, to please flip the paper back over, so I could tell and move on. They then each picked oils to add to their mixing glass. Most stopped after the two, loving the combo. Only had one who had trouble, but she finally came up with something she liked. I had calculators out and walked the girls through each step on the sheet. Then they all got to add drops to their mixing glasses, then mix with the disposable droppers. Then, each girl got to pick out the bag she liked with the lotion (and floral emory board I threw in). I demonstrated with a lotion bottle how to put the dropper in and slowly pull up while slowly squeezing to release the oil into the product. The girls did so well!!!
They then finished by stirring, shaking the bottles, then naming and writing the recipe down. I also had each girl write her name on the top of her scent sheet so I could keep them and know what her blend was if she wanted it again. The girls loved it all. The mom loved it and wants to do a show with friends and our co-workers.For a regular show, I'll need to know the flip book and practice all of that and the booking and sponsoring. I think I did the mixing demo very well. I didn't have to write up orders this time, so that will be different and take longer in the future. The whole thing (minus set up and clean up) took about an hour, I'd guess."
Kim probably doesn't realize how incredible she was but I think that girls can be great for a 1st party because you don't get as nervous as you do with your peers and they are so easy going! I'm so excited to see her have a great success and book another party from the one she did! Way to go Kim!!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Art of Selling Yourself... (legally)
Become a sponge and soak up this call!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Bringing on another state to Urban Botanic
I finished up the samples for Horse Shoe Boutique and will be mailing those out on Monday to Jill to begin giving her customers. Peridot Boutique in Seattle is also signed on and their postcard is being designed as we speak along with their sister boutique coming on board in September.
I am VERY sad to say that I have not had "1" inquiry on the Downtown Dog Lounge samples... (crying after all my hard work on 535 of them) So I'm not sure how hot the pet thing will be. I have some extra cards and samples left over that I will be trying at the Tiki Lounge Dog Spa over in my area and see if that is a hit in a different area. It might be a little over the top for the green tree huggers here in Seattle but in Cally or the east coast it might be just the thing. I wouldn't spend a lot of $ on it as it certainly hasn't paid off yet...
Next week is the big fashion show and McKenna has helped me design some incredibly yummy scents for the Project Runway Designers. I'll put those in the big recipe book as they are fun men's scents and we never seem to have enough of those!
I'm hoping my newest boutiques will be a hit and I'll be doing some fun in store events as well for VIP customers so I'll share ideas and pictures for all of those fun moments!
Have a great week and let's close off August as strong as possible and get ready for an incredibly HOT fall!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Fundamental #5 - Recruiting at your parties (TSF)
Are we having fun yet? If you have fun doing what you do - then others will want to join you!
Money - it's ok for them to know that you love what you do and that you actually do make great money for the time you spend doing it!
Like hosting - mention the business opportunity at least three times during your presentation. Don't forget to talk about why NOW is the best time to get involved with your company.
Talk about the favorite products that you received when you ordered your sample kit.
Use visuals at your parties. A small poster board with information about your kit and the business at the front of the room or on a coffee table - even a simple `Help Wanted' sign - will peak interest.
Watch and listen for green flags - the signs that someone is interested in doing what you do:
- Who was a head nodder?
- Who asked a lot of questions?
- Who loved everything?
- Who came early (or stayed late)?
- Who volunteered to help you pack up your products?
- Who asked: `How many nights a week do you do this?', `How did you do tonight?', `Is your husband supportive of your business?', `Do you have another job besides this one?' These questions and any questions about your business can be answered by you briefly and then followed up with `I'm curious, why do you ask?'… You'll be surprised at the responses you get.
Carry recruiting information packets and consultant agreements with you to your parties. Don't assume you won't sign someone up on the spot - some people will decide quickly. However, at the very least, schedule a time within 24-48 hours to review the information with your potential recruit - preferably in person if you can. You want to talk with them while their enthusiasm is high.
Happy fall - don't forget to have FUN while focusing on these fundamentals!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Party fundamentals for a fantastic fall…Part 4 (TSF)
Despite the variety of ways to `be in touch' these days - sometimes we find ourselves playing phone tag with potential hostesses in order to secure a date. Another way to maximize your time spent at the party is to book parties there. Here are some tips for booking parties at parties:
Thank your hostess publicly by presenting her with a small gift (this can be as simple and inexpensive as a single carnation tied with a ribbon).
When demonstrating bigger ticket items - be sure that guests know how hostesses can earn a percentage off.
Mention the benefits of hosting a party at least three times during your presentation (in your introduction, your closing and at least once in the middle). If your company offers `hostess only' products and exclusives - don't forget to talk about these!
Play - `Stack the Hostess' with your guests. Ask for two volunteers. Give one a calculator and let the other be the `hostess'. Your `hostess' begins to choose items that she would like and you stack them on her lap while having the other volunteer add up their total on the calculator. Once she has reached a dollar amount in product that is typical to your company for hostess earnings - everyone will have a good visual of your hostess benefits. (Tweak this as need be depending on your company's hostess plan).
INVITE EVERYONE to host a party as they place their order. If you feel shy about doing this - make an announcement during your introduction that you will be asking everyone to book a party and that if you forget - you will pay for the shipping on their order. That way you KNOW you won't forget and they will be expecting it.
Don't forget to carry hostess packets and your calendar or date cards with you so that you can date the party immediately.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Party fundamentals for a fantastic fall…Part 3 (TSF)
Fundamental #3: BOOK Parties
I can't book any parties…
This is a familiar tale of woe that we at the TSF hear fairly frequently.
The truth of the matter is, if you aren't booking enough parties, you aren't asking enough people. That is usually the easy answer and the bottom line. Perhaps you are thinking about asking people to host a party, but if you would actually log your activity you would see that you just aren't asking enough - plain and simple.
Booking parties, just like recruiting team members, is a numbers game. You have to ask approximately five people to host to book one party. So, in theory, that means that at an average party of 8-10 people you should book 1-2 parties - right?
Perhaps you are afraid that if you ask every person at the party to book a party, you will appear pushy. Let's do a paradigm shift on your thinking for a moment here, shall we? What if, as a guest at a party, you were the only one that the consultant DIDN'T ask to book a show? How would that make you feel?
Remember, we are in the sorting NOT convincing business. Ask everyone! If it helps - announce at the beginning of your presentation that you WILL be asking everyone to join you in the business and/or book a party and if you neglect to do so, you will pay for the shipping on their order. THIS will make you accountable because you can bet that your guests are going to be waiting for you to forget!
Having difficulty booking parties over the phone?
It is time to do an attitude check. Do you have trepidations or are you confident when you invite people to host a party? Ask a friend or your upline to listen in the next time you do phone calls - or really stretch your comfort zone and record your side of the conversation. You may be surprised at what you hear. If YOU wouldn't book a party with YOU, then it's time to revamp your attitude. If you don't feel confident then try to figure out why and ask your upline for some coaching in this area. Fake it till you make it is the golden rule. With practice, you will get better and confidence will come. Yes, you will make mistakes but that is how we learn best, wouldn't you agree?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Party fundamentals for a fantastic fall…Part 2
This is, of course, the main purpose of a party - to sell product. Be sure your time is well spent by following these guidelines to maximize your results.
Show products that are higher ticket items. Less expensive products sell themselves.
Personalizing your products is huge. Remember, you are your own best customer - facts tell, stories sell!
Don't forget to group products that are natural `go-togethers'.
Do not miss add-on sales as you check out your customers. Sometimes in an effort to get people's orders added up and out the door - we miss paying attention to what they have ordered. This can result in missed income by `suggestive selling' other items that might go well with what they've decided to purchase. Remember, if you don't ask, the answer is automatically `no'!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Party fundamentals for a fantastic fall…Part 1 (TSF)
Fundamental #1 - Good Hostess Coaching
Treating your hostess as a valued business partner is the key to successful party results. Good hostess coaching insures that your hostess will reach her goals and when she is successful, you are successful!
Help your hostess build a diverse guest list from a variety of areas in her life. If she draws from just one arena - for example, just her friends from church, then another conflicting event (such as a church meeting) may cause her to have to cancel or reschedule her party. Ask good questions to find out as much as you can about your hostess so that you can help her with her guest list. Say something like, “Tell me more about yourself - have you lived in this area long? Do you have relatives in town? Do you know other moms from your children's school? What do you do for fun?”
Remind her to over invite. A good rule of thumb is double if not triple the number of guests you'd like to be in attendance.
Be sure your hostess is very familiar with two to three products in your line. That way, her enthusiasm will come through as she invites her guests to her party. You might consider letting her borrow a couple of your samples to try out before her party.
The magic tried and true formula for good party attendance is call/send/call. Depending strictly on response from a written or emailed invitation is the recipe for disaster. The personal touch of a verbal invitation from your hostess cannot be minimized. A final reminder call the day before the party (made by you or her) is crucial to her success.
Help your hostess fulfill a goal of gathering at least five outside orders prior to her party from people who could not attend in person. Depending on the average price of your product, this will usually net at least $100 in additional sales before the party even occurs. Be sure she understands the benefit to HER in hostess benefits when she works to collect these orders in advance.
Plant seeds about the business opportunity. Be sure your hostess packet includes information about becoming a consultant. Tell her to watch what you do the night of the party and ask her to picture herself doing the same thing!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Hive Member Spotlight - Kim Fischer - Tigard, OR

Hello! I overuse smiley faces… use them a lot. Overuse quote marks, too. Also tend to write too much.
I have been married for 7 years to my husband. We met 14 years ago while working together. We have a 5 year old son, Jordan, who is about to start kindergarten. I live in Tigard, Oregon, a suburb southwest of Portland – actually we are just about a mile from Portland’s SW city limit. I grew up in Newberg, which is about 30 minutes away from where I live now. My parents still live there, so I visit a lot. The town is part of Oregon’s “Wine Country.”
My birthday is March 29th and I’ll be 40 next year. Sigh! Don’t feel that old.
I work full-time in Human Resources for a national HVAC/R distributor headquartered in Portland. I’ve a long commute! :) I previously worked in the credit union industry for over 11 ½ years (teller/member services, phone rep, trainer, human resources), before a merger caused me to need to find another employer. Still love credit unions! My husband works for Nautilus, the makers of the Bowflex.
I want to share something with all of you as it may be something that could help you or someone in your life.I had brain surgery in November 2005 to help with a little-known condition called Chiari I Malformation. It is a condition that one is born with, but people do not usually show symptoms until their mid-30s. Looking back, I can see symptoms starting when I was young, but who knew? Symptoms can include earaches, numbness in neck and arms, sensitivity to light and sounds, and vision and swallowing difficulties. Chiari is a condition where the base of one’s skull is too small to hold one’s brain, so the tonsils of the brain descend into the spinal column. This blocks the flow of the cerebral spinal fluid and can cause other issues. For more info, visit and Happy to say that my gorgeous Irish neurosurgeon (I can have a crush, can’t I?) did a great job.
I’ve been looking for a business to do off and on… I came across the name Urban Botanic by accident on the internet and clicked on it. It intrigued me as I’ve loved the idea of creating my own scented items since I was a little girl – I used to try to make my own rose and lavender perfumes by steeping petals in water (unfortunately, the water just turned moldy). I love scented candles, lotions – I even wear perfume or a scented lotion to bed. Husband doesn’t really like it, but it makes me happy.
I found myself directed to Shawna’s site. The ingredients of products sounded good, and the concept was interesting. I emailed Shawna, and she ended up creating a rose, lavender and cedarwood lotion for me. I loved it!! Next step was ordering one of the MyScents kits (leafy) and having fun with that. I’ve been in constant email contact with Shawna, asking questions about being a consultant, plus I’ve been having friends and co-workers making scents – I’ve been giving them little samples of the products that came with my MyScents kit – and giving me feedback as to whether this sounded like something they would like to do. Most answered positively. I was going to order my kit at the end of August (slowly saving up the money), but an opportunity to do a ‘tween spa party in 1 ½ weeks came up, so I ordered the kit. I’ve a total of 5 interested workshops, with 2 on the calendar. I know other workshops will follow. Just nervous about it all now! But I love the product, love playing “scientist” with the perfume oils, and LOVE seeing how tickled people are when they create their own scent and use it.
I want to use the business to help pay debt and begin to set aside money for future things (son’s education, a better home, vacation) and to make my husband a little more happy (money is very important to him…).
I haven’t told my husband yet… will have to soon. He doesn’t like any Direct Marketing businesses (thinks they are scams), so I’m a nervous. I’m going to ask that he give me a year to see how I do. My friends and co-workers, and parents, will be my main support. I see this type of business as being very doable if one finds the right company and the right fit. You are all my inspiration!
Fellow hive members will be useful in letting me know how their parties go, how they deal with an unsupportive spouse, and any other tips they have. I will be a cheerleader and share what I can.
I’ve taken the test a number of times. I usually come up with Leafy being the strongest (with Woodsy and Fruity following closely). It’s pretty true to me! I like to know the facts before I begin something (poor Shawna, answering all my questions!). I also like to “hide” if I’m sad or faced with confrontation. Big example is nervousness with telling my husband I’m doing this business. Some of the other families have traits of mine, too.
I would like to be a business builder, but I think it may be somewhere in between, depending on the month, my mood, my health, and my schedule. I’ve ideas for bringing this to the media’s attention here, but will need to get a boost to do it the right way. The fact that no one else in the Portland area is yet a part of this cool company is exciting as I get to introduce it and get more people on the team. I want to recruit one or two people by October so that they can might be able to do workshops that I’m not able to do.
What is one personality trait you have that you think will help you be successful at UB?
Only one? My friendliness. I’m a “nice” person. I’m kind and easy to get along with. People will not be afraid to speak to me and ask about the product at workshops. (My excitement about the product will help, too.)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Back on the Party Horse!
I tried something a little different last night because I left my prizes for the booking game at home. I just said that anyone that booked a party tonite would get 20% off of tonite's order and their purchases would count towards their party. The lady loved it and booked with no issue so that was really fun!
Some of the scent creations were really different so I thought I'd share:
Party Special - equal parts of Lemon/Sage (really zingy and fresh)
Party Special - Shower Gel/Perfume Cucumber and Honeydew - Lotion in Raspberry/Almond
2 Lotions purchased the same scent - Frangipani and Sandalwood - VERY SEXY!
Another was a re-order of White Tea and Violet (nice mixture if you haven't tried it)
One of the girls made a delicious concoction of Lemon, Mandarin, Grapefruit and another citrusy scent I can't remember now.
It was a really good time and reminded me why parties are so much fun! It was great to book a party from a party and continue having places to go as well. Another of my previous hostesses was there and wants to do another party in a few months so that was cool and officially means I booked 2! LOL
Saturday, August 11, 2007
A Bun in the Oven!
Considering that my son is 8 years old I'm seriously out of practice even though I'm officially having my 2nd child. Last night I sprung it on the parents in true Shawna style at the restaurant when I had the waiter bring out baby spoons on my parents' salad plates instead of salad forks. My parents were so used to the idea that I was "done with kids" the spoons didn't even phase them. I handed them the card to "Grandma and Grandpa" and they thought it was a card for them because my Sister in Law is prego right now. Nope! Wrong again people! Once they finally got it my Mom burst into tears and my Dad was still like "How does this have anything to do with my birthday? (his bday is not until 8/24). DAD! It's not about your birthday!!! LOL
So needless to say my Mom is getting 2 grandkids about the same time as my SIL is due 2 weeks ahead of me LOL. Hell has truly frozen over! Of course I'm hoping it's a girl but honestly if it's healthy and happy I'm fine with another penis in the family (yes I said that word). I'm the minority here anyway so why change my odds LOL!
Have a great weekend! I'm doing a UB party tonite for 10 so looking forward to reporting back tomorrow. Hope everyone is having the same beautiful weather we are in Seattle! :)
Friday, August 10, 2007
A new team member's incredible first steps!
With this kind of determination and commitment there is no stopping what this busy bee can do!
"Hi Shawna,
Thanks for helping me out with mixing the fragrances on Friday. This weekend went well! They loved the concept and a few are going to book parties. I think I told you what the Mocha Moms are about but just in case I didn't... they are an organization that provides support to stay at home moms. There were Mochas from all over the country.
The chapter closest to me meets every other Tuesday but they also have other functions like moms night out, book clubs and bible study. More than one chapter has agreed to book. The Maryland chapter is having a Home Based Business Extravaganza in October and I plan on attending. I mixed at the table which was a bit hectic on Saturday but my cousin came with me on Sunday to help. She's in school for skin care and will probably sign on soon. I made close to $200 and made some really great contacts.
I was asked to create a fragrance for a girls line of clothing called Forever Girl. The website is Their first fashion show is Saturday. Got a few leads about the business from the event as well. I went on my Warm Spirit yahoo groups page and posted that I was selling my product purchased from Warm Spirit. I put my signature on that says I am a UB Fragrance Designer. I got a few people really interested in the business because WS only offers 25% and the market for them is pretty saturated. I still have so much more to do. It's been crazy, but I am loving every minute of it. You should have seen the ladies at the convention. I am soooo excited... can't you tell!"
If you put yourself out there and really work to pioneer UB there is no telling what things may occur! As you saw, Kimberly was at a convention that led her to the contact for forevergirl which is a super fun site and I checked out and I think UB would be a perfect fit for them. The more you can involve yourself in venues that harbor our potential clients, the more things will be attracted to you and you will continue to find a new place to go!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Event with 20 or more people...
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Walk a mile in my shoes… TSF
And then I thought about our service men and women in the Middle East and the temperatures that they endure daily - in full combat wear (not shorts and a tee shirt) - and suddenly, I was ashamed of myself. Especially when I realized that at the hottest, our family room only got to 79 degrees and, like magic, our power was restored. Yesterday's experience was a good reminder for me - not to take things so for granted. That often, we really have no idea what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes.
Walking in the shoes of our customers, hostesses, and team members, keeps us humble and in touch with their issues and challenges. We are more effective, empathetic and credible. By hosting a party ourselves, we experience first hand the emotions that our hostesses have when a good friend doesn't bother to RSVP or when less than half of the guests we invite attend.
Some of you reading this may be at a point in your career where you do more team management and training then actual parties or recruiting. As a leader of a large organization, your team will know if you give advice based first hand experiences or are coaching from the `ivory tower'. Stay active - do a party here and there - hauling and setting up product, making small talk with guests, booking parties and getting recruit leads from those in attendance. Do follow up work. This helps you to remain humble, keep it real and to be a credible and effective business coach.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Handling Competitive Companies
"What does one say when the question of comes up of, "Doesn't (such-and-such store) offer the same thing?" There is a store in Portland that does offer custom perfumes. Two people have mentioned the store and I've not really known what to say except that I'm sure they have a good product, but that it may be different than what U.B. offers, plus this offers the convenience of doing the fragrance in your own home instead of going out.
I've looked on their website and have found the following:~~Escential perfume oils are available in quarter and half ounce glass bottles, and one-third ounce roller bottles. They are highly concentrated, long lasting, and contain no alcohol. We also offer two and four ounce cologne sprays made from any of our perfume oils.Many of our customers find it helpful to think in terms of what "type" of fragrance they prefer when they are attempting to narrow their choice.
For your convenience, we have divided our Perfume Oils into floral, citrus, fruity, green, woodsy, oriental or sweet. If you find a fragrance that you know you like within one type you are likely to have an affinity for other fragrances within the same category. We are happy to send you a sample of any of our Perfume Oils with any order you place. Ask us!~~A third ounce of the perfume oil roller bottle is $8.00, and a 2 oz cologne spray is $6-$8, from the little I've found. Their website is I can say to counter ? Or just let it go and say if they would ever like to try U.B. to let me know? I do not want to talk badly about a business.
McKenna's response:
You can accentuate the positives about UB without talking badly about another business.
1. UB offers custom fragrances in the comfort of your own home. You can create your scent at your convenience with a U.B.You Signature Fragrance Collection.
2. At a UB party, you're able to smell your fragrance before making the buying decision - no wasted money. You know you'll like before you buy.
3. With a U.B.You Signature Fragrance Collection, we offer the craft to you. It's not a one-time thing you do in a store. Your collection has a possibility of over 44,000 fragrance combinations, which guarantees you'll find many fragrance blends you absolutely love.
4. With UB, the customer creates the fragrance instead of listing likes and dislikes and putting their fragrance in the hands of the fragrance designer. YOU, the customer design your fragrance. We're here to help you make sure you're satisfied, but only you can create the perfect scents for you - no one can do it for you with the same level of satisfaction.
As far as the pricing goes... just remember you get what you pay for :)
Monday, August 6, 2007
It's a new week!
Well today my hubby returns from Canada and my son is back from his Dad's so my quiet and peaceful weekend of "me" time has come to a screeching halt. I really enjoyed this weekend and had a good time playing with Mom as we watched about 12 hours of DVD, shopped til we dropped, had dinner with Grandma and even a Mom/Daughter sleep over. I think I'm more tired from my weekend of "relaxation" than I was before it started LOL.
I have a ton of things to do this week and wanted to call them out so that I have an easy visual myself of everything that needs to be done. A few of you have asked how I do it all and get some much accomplished. One of my secrets is that action breeds action and results. From one event I find another or am presented with other opportunities that really keep my momentum up. I realize how hard it is to RESTART when things get quiet but you CAN do it! If you need a private phone call to get you going or to bounce ideas off you please don't hesitate to call anyone in your upline that can motivate you!
My Things To Do This Week:
- Finish 100 samples for Horse Shoe Boutique and send them off to Jill
- Finish the rest of the Downtown Dog Lounge samples and send them to Elise
- Prepare the scents with McKenna's help for Nick and Andrae for
- Send off the ad payment for 4 week ad
- Send off the rest of the ad requirements for Kite Magazine
- Meet with Angi for some fusion marketing on Wed.
Of course there are the other life things like family, the house we're flipping, and review time at the day job so it's all crazy but our family lives and grows through it! I'm excited to see Avis' blog about her party of 21 later this week! Be sure to keep an eye out because she'll have a ton of great info to share! Have a great week! I'm trying to do my weekly updates on Monday as well since you've all been SO GREAT about sharing them with me!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Working with your hostesses for the best results
Saturday, August 4, 2007
This piece was extremely interesting to me because I think that the same pitfalls can happen no matter what direct sales company you've chosen. I feel very lucky that our team is so encouraging and I truly haven't had to face some of the things Jessica has, but it's always good to be prepared and so I hope you'll find this article as interesting as I did.
Friday, August 3, 2007
I survived Fashion First!

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Fall - it's closer than you think…CHECKLIST for success - TSF
Calendar check - if you have school aged children, go to your school's website and transfer the calendar dates (as they are known so far) into your planner or PDA. That way you will know when you can schedule your parties.
If you haven't already done so - focus for the next week on connecting with those in your customer base who don't have school aged children. Moms of infants and preschoolers, empty nesters, singles and grandparents. THESE are the people who will have more time to host parties for you between now and mid September. Look at who these hostesses were last year at this time and call them first!
Watch the Back to School sale ads and stock up on any supplies that you might need for the busy fall season. Now is a great time to restock your supplies of pencils/pens, customer folders and file folders at a great price.
Order your new fall product kit. Fall traditionally is a busy time when you see lots of customers before the holidays. The adage of “if they see it, they will buy it” is a good rule of thumb!
Stock up on business supplies. Order your fall catalogs, order forms and recruiting brochures.
If you didn't give your samples a spring cleaning this past April or May, DEFINITELY do so before fall is in full swing. For a professional presentation, it is important that your samples look FRESH and NEW!
Take out your calendar right now and schedule a back to school coffee with neighborhood moms. (Remember YOU are the hostess who NEVER says NO to YOU!) This is a great way to reconnect after the long summer and show off your new fall samples (and sell off any old samples at a discount!)
Revisit and reset your office hours for the fall. When will you be working? Designate time each week for phone calls, recruiting appointments and parties.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Hive Member Spotlight - Kimberly Clark - Dacula, GA
I love, love, love smell goods and the concept is great. I know I get tired of finding a scent that I love only to have a company discontinue the scent. I also recognize where the company is from a network marketing perspective. Are you kidding me???? It was a no-brainer.
As far as my family and friends, some are excited and some are skeptical. The skeptical ones just don’t understand the business of direct selling and network marketing. But they will come around when I show them my check in a few months. You all seem to do very well with sharing ideas on what works. I would like to know some of the challenges that other consultants have faced.
My personality test results were a combination of woodsy, herbal and fruity. My strongest scent family is woodsy. I think it is pretty close because I love Egyptian and White Musks.
I am definitely looking to build my business and not as a hobby. I have seen people grow their income from $1000 a month to almost $30,000 a month. I have seen people grow their organizations by 200 people a month. I hope that my friendliness will be a great personality trait to help me succeed here.