A great organization and wonderful oppty for those that can attend:
With the holiday season coming to a close we have an important question we need to ask you… what do you want to be different for yourself, your business and your family in 2008?
Do you want more fun, higher party sales, more zeros on the end of your override check and a rapidly expanding team? Well the truth about getting more of what you want in 2008 is in trying something new – going the extra mile – and doing what successful people do. Would you agree?
On April 18-20 in Las Vegas, Nevada you have an opportunity to do just that by joining like-minded direct selling professionals from around the globe for the event of the year. It’s the DSWA’s Education Celebration which has been hailed as “the most significant industry event of the year that has transformed the businesses and lives of the people who attend.”
The Education Celebration is 2 1/2 days of fun, networking, learning and inspiration with people like Jack Canfield, Marcia Wieder and many of the most successful women in the network marketing and party plan profession today. From the Friday night kick-off to the inspirational Sunday afternoon close, we have planned every moment to prompt an internal shift that will inspire you to new heights in 2008.
Here's where you go to learn more:http://www.mydswa.org/celebration_2008.asp
In fact, we are so confident you will leave renewed, inspired and on fire to grow your business we’ve made it practically impossible to say no.
We’ve included every meal and tons of goodies at an Early Bird price you can’t pass up. We’re offering an easy 3-payment option for full registration so you can pay over time.Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you attend the entire Celebration Event and do not agree that it was a great value for your investment, we will refund your registration fee (less meal costs).
And best of all, until midnight January 1st...We’re throwing in the most talked about training course that has helped people triple their team size and make recruiting fun and simple. It’s the Principle-Centered Sponsoring™ E-course and it’s yours f-r-e-e when you register for the Education Celebration by Midnight PST, January 1, 2008.
Don’t settle for one more year of the same! Make 2008 the year you go from wishing you could to truly living the life you desire. Join us in Las Vegas and let us send you home with fresh ideas, a renewed passion and a commitment to take your business to the next level.
Please register right away. Not only will you get the special Early Bird price, you’ll also get instant access to the f-r-e-e Principle-Centered Sponsoring™ e-course that can help you double or triple your sponsoring success rate in just 6 weeks! A $79 value – that is our gift for registering right today!
Here's where you go to learn more:http://www.mydswa.org/celebration_2008.asp
Here's where you go to register:http://www.mydswa.org/convention_register.asp
To Your Success,Nicki, Jane & Grace
Co-Founders of the Direct Selling Women’s
mailto:info@mydswa.org 888-417-0743
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The day after...
Oh the day after Christmas is such a beautiful thing. It's when you really let your hair down, forget the shower and the hair and just veg out and work from home while having your children at home at the same time to really make things relaxing! And if you believe all that I have a flip house to sell you ;)
Ok so the good news is the holiday is over. The tree is undecorated and 3 bins of Cmas decorations are packed and I get to continfue that part all day tomorrow. I did manage to have my parents pick me up a tree while they were out for 75% off! Love those sales at Lowes!
Next year I'm actually crazy enough to host Christmas Eve for the hubby's family and do this with a 9 month old Woo Hoo!
Funny how our priorities shift and we grow into ourselves. I plan to make some very exciting goals for 2008 including Weight Loss, Business Growth, and of course becoming the Mom I truly want to be which includes some big home organization goals LOL.
Ok so the good news is the holiday is over. The tree is undecorated and 3 bins of Cmas decorations are packed and I get to continfue that part all day tomorrow. I did manage to have my parents pick me up a tree while they were out for 75% off! Love those sales at Lowes!
Next year I'm actually crazy enough to host Christmas Eve for the hubby's family and do this with a 9 month old Woo Hoo!
Funny how our priorities shift and we grow into ourselves. I plan to make some very exciting goals for 2008 including Weight Loss, Business Growth, and of course becoming the Mom I truly want to be which includes some big home organization goals LOL.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Taking some much needed time off
Well today will be the last blog post until after Christmas. It's hard to do since I've been blogging every day since I started but I know most of you are too busy to read it right now anyway LOL so I'm sure you'll live without me.
I hope you all received McKenna's UB Scentsational Email and are working hard to qualify for the open windows they're providing. 2008 proves to be an exciting time and I know you'll all work hard to make it your best year yet.
I actually tried to brave a few stores today and was beyond thankful that I had already done my shopping (I was just returning some pants) as Target had absolutely NO carts to shop with and the store was so packed you could hardly move. Planning ahead does make the season brighter!
Have a VERY Merry Christmas and enjoy your time off with your family.

I hope you all received McKenna's UB Scentsational Email and are working hard to qualify for the open windows they're providing. 2008 proves to be an exciting time and I know you'll all work hard to make it your best year yet.
I actually tried to brave a few stores today and was beyond thankful that I had already done my shopping (I was just returning some pants) as Target had absolutely NO carts to shop with and the store was so packed you could hardly move. Planning ahead does make the season brighter!
Have a VERY Merry Christmas and enjoy your time off with your family.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tips to end the year on a positive note! December 21st
Yesterday's email dealt with the topic of things I didn't get a chance to do because my business kept me so busy this year.
Here is a suggestion with regards to your Christmas cards (assuming you send them).
Long ago, in the very early years of my business, I made the conscious decision to turn my Christmas cards in to a Happy New Years newsletter. It took the stress off - and was one less thing on my to-do list before December 25th.
The nice thing about a New Year's newsletter is that it can go out anytime around the first part of the New Year and once you establish that is the time your greeting will arrive, people will begin to look forward to it. ALSO, they will have more time to read it after Christmas - SO - don't forget to mention some of the FUN you are having with your home business when sharing the family events of the past year with those on your holiday card list. This is a GREAT, very non-threatening way to talk about your business. The people on our list look forward to hearing about whatever fun incentive trip we have taken and often ask about the upcoming one. (This serves as a BIG motivation for me to hit those trips from year to year!)
So…today's assignment - start to gather your thoughts about the past year in order to write your newsletter after the 1st of January!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tips to end the year on a positive note! December 20th
Some years our business keeps us so busy right up to the last minute that we don't have time to do all the things we would like to do.
I like to bake cookies for my neighbors BUT have found that making a BIG POT of soup first thing in the morning and delivering it warm to them later in the afternoon, right before dinnertime is a lot quicker and often much more appreciated by them as they scurry to finish their holiday shopping and preparations!
I like to bake cookies for my neighbors BUT have found that making a BIG POT of soup first thing in the morning and delivering it warm to them later in the afternoon, right before dinnertime is a lot quicker and often much more appreciated by them as they scurry to finish their holiday shopping and preparations!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tips to end the year on a positive note! December 19th
Are you ready to hit January running? Today, do a quick check of business supplies. Order any sales fliers, new recruiting brochures, and if you don't already have it, your 2008 planner fillers.
Return any customer calls promptly and then enjoy your holiday preparations!
Return any customer calls promptly and then enjoy your holiday preparations!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tips to end the year on a positive note! December 18th
OK - this is always the day that my husband and I designate as super shopping day. This the day, armed with shopping list in hand, to finish up everyone on your list. Having a shopping list is key and be mindful of the fact that if you shop over the dinner hour, stores are less crowded. Take advantage of the bargains galore and HAVE FUN!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Cinna-Tang! I like it!
I checked out Avis' blog tonite and found her awesome idea! Love it!
Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tips to end the year on a positive note! December 17th
Who were your last minute shoppers at this time last year? Take a peek at your order forms from December of 2006 and give those folks a call. They will be impressed with your memory and your personalized service.
After all, who couldn't use a little help with some last minute purchases? Spend today scheduling a few personalized shopping appointments - if your situation permits, have THEM come to YOU. CLEAR THOSE SHELVES!
After all, who couldn't use a little help with some last minute purchases? Spend today scheduling a few personalized shopping appointments - if your situation permits, have THEM come to YOU. CLEAR THOSE SHELVES!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Hard to Believe...
That we're really only days away from Christmas. I know my son is getting excited and I'm getting excited that so many events and challenges are coming to a close for December. The church Christmas party I was in charge of was last night and truly went off without a hitch. The children enjoyed their visit with Santa and I enjoyed telling our Bishop that it is about that time to release me from this "calling" (meaning my job) due to my growing belly and stress level so hopefully he will be inspired to do so LOL.
The remodel house water issues are coming to a close and my husband is there today digging his way to the road to divert the water issue that keeps drowing the window and coming into the house. I wish this nightmare would sell but of course ripped up carpet and drying fans could be a turn off (hmmmm).
I'm so happy I've finished my shopping early and can focus on my family and hopefully some holiday baking before it's come and gone. Egg Nog and 7-up seem to keep me calm and of course Peppermint Hot Chocolate at Starbucks. Oh those sweet things in life LOL.
I hope this weekend is a good one and those of you with parties this weekend have a VERY successful time. I'm going to be taking off Sundays from blogging to spend some needed time with the family and preparing for Dawson's arrival so check back on Monday :)
The remodel house water issues are coming to a close and my husband is there today digging his way to the road to divert the water issue that keeps drowing the window and coming into the house. I wish this nightmare would sell but of course ripped up carpet and drying fans could be a turn off (hmmmm).
I'm so happy I've finished my shopping early and can focus on my family and hopefully some holiday baking before it's come and gone. Egg Nog and 7-up seem to keep me calm and of course Peppermint Hot Chocolate at Starbucks. Oh those sweet things in life LOL.
I hope this weekend is a good one and those of you with parties this weekend have a VERY successful time. I'm going to be taking off Sundays from blogging to spend some needed time with the family and preparing for Dawson's arrival so check back on Monday :)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tips to end the year on a positive note! December 14th
People are still shopping - is your store open? A great goal for beginning the New Year is to be able to (literally) dust your `on hand' inventory shelves.
Today is a great day to put out an email and run a special on any in stock merchandise you still have. You might consider offering FREE SHIPPING (and perhaps a cup of cocoa) if they stop by next week to pick it up. Throwing together a quick open house for Monday of next week is another great way to clear those shelves!
Today is a great day to put out an email and run a special on any in stock merchandise you still have. You might consider offering FREE SHIPPING (and perhaps a cup of cocoa) if they stop by next week to pick it up. Throwing together a quick open house for Monday of next week is another great way to clear those shelves!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tips to end the year on a positive note! December 13th
Today's quickie tip is again designed with 2008 in mind. Hopefully, you already have your January hostesses lined up.
Today is the day for a check in with each of them. If you haven't already received their guest invitation list - get it from them now. Don't let them procrastinate on this - because it is easy to set it aside at this time of year and trust me - it will cause for a postponed January party.
Re-excite them about what's happening for January, their goal and help them with words to use to invite people to their party after the first of the year.
Have fun with this and remember, a strong start in January will pay back tenfold as your 2008 progresses!
Today is the day for a check in with each of them. If you haven't already received their guest invitation list - get it from them now. Don't let them procrastinate on this - because it is easy to set it aside at this time of year and trust me - it will cause for a postponed January party.
Re-excite them about what's happening for January, their goal and help them with words to use to invite people to their party after the first of the year.
Have fun with this and remember, a strong start in January will pay back tenfold as your 2008 progresses!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tips to end the year on a positive note! December 12th
Today's assignment - check in with all of your late November and early December hostesses and customers to be sure that their orders have been received and are correct! There is NOTHING worse than getting a frantic last minute phone call from a customer on Christmas Eve as she is wrapping gifts and has found that an item she order is missing or broken. DO THIS NOW while you can still correct any discrepancies!
And while you are at it, don't forget to mention any new promotions or sales that your company may be offering in January or February. Use that follow up phone call to the fullest and get your calendar in shape for the New Year.
And while you are at it, don't forget to mention any new promotions or sales that your company may be offering in January or February. Use that follow up phone call to the fullest and get your calendar in shape for the New Year.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tips to end the year on a positive note!
December 11th
Today's activity - How is YOUR shopping coming along?
Rule one in direct sales - be your own best customer. THAT MEANS filling those gift giving needs with as many of your products as you can. So, today, take a moment right now and order any last minute gifts that YOU need for the people in your life!
From Shawna: I've been using our Home Warmer's set with the extra oil for some great Christmas gifts! The retail price being $50.00 is especially good when we basically get it for $30!
Today's activity - How is YOUR shopping coming along?
Rule one in direct sales - be your own best customer. THAT MEANS filling those gift giving needs with as many of your products as you can. So, today, take a moment right now and order any last minute gifts that YOU need for the people in your life!
From Shawna: I've been using our Home Warmer's set with the extra oil for some great Christmas gifts! The retail price being $50.00 is especially good when we basically get it for $30!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Bounced checks…
Dana writes: could you send out tips on how to handle bounced checks! I had a party ship to the hostess and in the meantime one of her guests checks bounced. Now I can't get the customer to return any of my phone calls. Is there anything I can do? Please consider this topic. Thank you for your time.
Dear Dana - Thank you for writing. Your question is quite timely - especially at this time of year when most of us are doing LOTS of business and processing many forms of payment from our customers.
It can be very frustrating when a customer writes a bad check and is clearly avoiding contact with you regarding this. Thankfully, this is a rarity in this business and at TSF we can literally count on less than two hands the number of bad checks we have taken in all of our years in the business. So, that's the good news.
You probably realize that bouncing checks is illegal, so you have the law on your side (if it comes to that, but usually never does).
There are a couple of things that you can do when a customer's check is NSF.
1) If the bank is convenient - you have the right to show up at the teller's window everyday and see if there are funds available in the customer's account to cover the check. Unfortunately, if you have incurred any bounced check fees, you won't recoup those, however, at least you will get the cost of the product covered.
2) Of course, (as you have done) - your first option is always to contact the customer directly. Leave one polite message asking that they take care of the bounced check with cash or a cashier's check. Give them a week to reply and then leave a message that lets them know that you are calling about the check they wrote you that was returned. Let them know that you have left one message already and since you have not heard back from them - that you are so sorry, but wanted to let them know that you have to turn all bounced checks from the prior month to the District Attorney by Friday.
This is the phone call that will get results.
A couple of things that you will want to consider for the future:
1) Don't be afraid to let customers know that you have a bounced check fee. All businesses do and you need to cover your costs. I usually charge what my bank charges plus $5.00 for the hassle involved.
2) If you find yourself working in booth/fair situations - where you are selling inventory to people you do not know - be sure that you get additional identification from the person writing the check. If you really want to play it safe, you can get a credit card number as a back up form of payment.
We hope this helps!
Dear Dana - Thank you for writing. Your question is quite timely - especially at this time of year when most of us are doing LOTS of business and processing many forms of payment from our customers.
It can be very frustrating when a customer writes a bad check and is clearly avoiding contact with you regarding this. Thankfully, this is a rarity in this business and at TSF we can literally count on less than two hands the number of bad checks we have taken in all of our years in the business. So, that's the good news.
You probably realize that bouncing checks is illegal, so you have the law on your side (if it comes to that, but usually never does).
There are a couple of things that you can do when a customer's check is NSF.
1) If the bank is convenient - you have the right to show up at the teller's window everyday and see if there are funds available in the customer's account to cover the check. Unfortunately, if you have incurred any bounced check fees, you won't recoup those, however, at least you will get the cost of the product covered.
2) Of course, (as you have done) - your first option is always to contact the customer directly. Leave one polite message asking that they take care of the bounced check with cash or a cashier's check. Give them a week to reply and then leave a message that lets them know that you are calling about the check they wrote you that was returned. Let them know that you have left one message already and since you have not heard back from them - that you are so sorry, but wanted to let them know that you have to turn all bounced checks from the prior month to the District Attorney by Friday.
This is the phone call that will get results.
A couple of things that you will want to consider for the future:
1) Don't be afraid to let customers know that you have a bounced check fee. All businesses do and you need to cover your costs. I usually charge what my bank charges plus $5.00 for the hassle involved.
2) If you find yourself working in booth/fair situations - where you are selling inventory to people you do not know - be sure that you get additional identification from the person writing the check. If you really want to play it safe, you can get a credit card number as a back up form of payment.
We hope this helps!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
It is the first week of December. How has your year come together? Did you accomplish the goals that you set in January of this year?
Now is a great time to be thinking about what went well and what you will need to do differently next year. Storyboarding is a useful tool.
As Stephen Covey says, “Begin with the end in mind.”
In the first week of December of 2008, how would you like your business to look compared to this week - December of 2007?
What will your team size look like in size and structure? How about your personal and team sales? Maybe you have a more `activity based' goal - such as consistently making five connecting phone calls a day.
Whatever your goal, that is the end of your storyboard - your “and they lived happily ever after” so-to-speak.
So work up and down in two columns, or left to right or page to page. Think of yourself as a cartoonist. Your job is to list the steps needed to get to your goal. What work habits do you need to establish, what potential hurdles do you need to overcome - you get the idea.
I have a personal goal that I will share as an example. In the three weeks between now and the end of the year, I would like to lose three pounds - one pound a week. So, my `end' goal is the specific weight I would like to be (which I will NOT share with you…sorry!) In order to achieve that goal, I have several steps that I will be putting into place.
Now is a great time to be thinking about what went well and what you will need to do differently next year. Storyboarding is a useful tool.
As Stephen Covey says, “Begin with the end in mind.”
In the first week of December of 2008, how would you like your business to look compared to this week - December of 2007?
What will your team size look like in size and structure? How about your personal and team sales? Maybe you have a more `activity based' goal - such as consistently making five connecting phone calls a day.
Whatever your goal, that is the end of your storyboard - your “and they lived happily ever after” so-to-speak.
So work up and down in two columns, or left to right or page to page. Think of yourself as a cartoonist. Your job is to list the steps needed to get to your goal. What work habits do you need to establish, what potential hurdles do you need to overcome - you get the idea.
I have a personal goal that I will share as an example. In the three weeks between now and the end of the year, I would like to lose three pounds - one pound a week. So, my `end' goal is the specific weight I would like to be (which I will NOT share with you…sorry!) In order to achieve that goal, I have several steps that I will be putting into place.
- Drink six glasses of water a day
- Get to the gym for one hour three to four times a week (I have scheduled those times on my planner and I will NOT talk myself out of it!)
- Keep my weight watcher points low on days when I don't have a holiday get together and use my extra points for the parties I attend.
- Bring raw veggie trays to any gatherings I have been invited to.
- If I choose to have an alcoholic drink, I will mix wine with a no calorie spritzer to make it last longer.
- I will be sure to eat something filling and healthy (like a cup of soup), before I go to any gathering and fill my plate with the good snacks (fruits and veggies) - and only taste the higher calorie items.
- I will make it a priority to go to my weekly meetings for encouragement each week this month.
This is my weight loss story board. What will your business storyboard look like? Apply these same principles to goal set for your business in 2008!.
Friday, December 7, 2007
The best kind of present...
I love your updates and this one was especially time worothy with our Holiday Sales!
Thanks Annette for allowing me to share...
"Hello Shawna and Avis,
I wanted to share a little story that happened yesterday and it kind of made my day to hear how someone was enjoying the UB products. So often I don’t get to see some of the people who were at the parties so I don’t hear how they are enjoying the products.
A couple of weeks ago I did a party and when I got to the presentation about the UB home collection I had a lady who swore by a specific candle only (she let the whole room know too). She said she used oil warmers in the past and nothing beat this specific brand of candle that she loves and will only buy. I continued on and a part during my presentation I share with them how it scents my own home so well.
I have a 2 story home, 3,000 square feet and one day I placed the warmer in my master bathroom and it not only filled the whole upstairs but it also made its way downstairs to where If I didn’t know any better I would of thought the unit was downstairs. It smelled my whole house with a wonderful fragrance and with just a couple drops (I don’t think she believed me).
Strangely enough that one particular lady decided to get one, she said her husband doesn’t like the candles mainly for the safety aspect with the open flames so she would give it a try and if she didn’t like it she would gift it away. She also made a lotion and shower gel at the party.
Well yesterday when I was picking up my daughter from school the women saw me in the parking lot and flagged me down. She wanted to tell me that she absolutely loves loves loves the home collection she bought. She said her husband loves it too and that it really did what I said it would do. Also she was skeptical about the products she made (for various reasons) and she has found she can’t live with out the lotion and her daughter is even using it too and the shower gel she thought she would use maybe once or twice she uses every time.
I let her know about my open door workshop I have on the 15th and she said she will be there, she needs to make a refill and she will bring her daughter so she can make her own product. She also asked how she can order some more oils for the home collection. I told her but I also mentioned that she could host a party and earn those oils so she is planning on a party for January and her daughter wants to have me come do her birthday party in too.
Just thought I would share. I am sure everyone has an experience similar to this it is just the first time it happened to me with the UB products. It made me feel good and gave me the little boost I needed to do some more talking to people to get some January bookings."
Awesome job Annette! So proud of everything you're doing!
Thanks Annette for allowing me to share...
"Hello Shawna and Avis,
I wanted to share a little story that happened yesterday and it kind of made my day to hear how someone was enjoying the UB products. So often I don’t get to see some of the people who were at the parties so I don’t hear how they are enjoying the products.
A couple of weeks ago I did a party and when I got to the presentation about the UB home collection I had a lady who swore by a specific candle only (she let the whole room know too). She said she used oil warmers in the past and nothing beat this specific brand of candle that she loves and will only buy. I continued on and a part during my presentation I share with them how it scents my own home so well.
I have a 2 story home, 3,000 square feet and one day I placed the warmer in my master bathroom and it not only filled the whole upstairs but it also made its way downstairs to where If I didn’t know any better I would of thought the unit was downstairs. It smelled my whole house with a wonderful fragrance and with just a couple drops (I don’t think she believed me).
Strangely enough that one particular lady decided to get one, she said her husband doesn’t like the candles mainly for the safety aspect with the open flames so she would give it a try and if she didn’t like it she would gift it away. She also made a lotion and shower gel at the party.
Well yesterday when I was picking up my daughter from school the women saw me in the parking lot and flagged me down. She wanted to tell me that she absolutely loves loves loves the home collection she bought. She said her husband loves it too and that it really did what I said it would do. Also she was skeptical about the products she made (for various reasons) and she has found she can’t live with out the lotion and her daughter is even using it too and the shower gel she thought she would use maybe once or twice she uses every time.
I let her know about my open door workshop I have on the 15th and she said she will be there, she needs to make a refill and she will bring her daughter so she can make her own product. She also asked how she can order some more oils for the home collection. I told her but I also mentioned that she could host a party and earn those oils so she is planning on a party for January and her daughter wants to have me come do her birthday party in too.
Just thought I would share. I am sure everyone has an experience similar to this it is just the first time it happened to me with the UB products. It made me feel good and gave me the little boost I needed to do some more talking to people to get some January bookings."
Awesome job Annette! So proud of everything you're doing!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Shipping deadlines - never assume…
We are fast approaching most company deadlines for ordering and delivery with regular shipping charges. Do YOUR customers know what that deadline is? Today is the PERFECT time to send a quick reminder email with a link to you or your company's website (if you have one). Why not take it one step further and see how many follow up phone calls you can make to personalize your service?

AND NEVER ASSUME that just because the regular rate shipping deadline has passed that your customers won't want to order from you! People who internet shop at the last minute KNOW that there will be extra shipping charges! SO…keep your store OPEN - right up to the last minute!
AND NEVER ASSUME that just because the regular rate shipping deadline has passed that your customers won't want to order from you! People who internet shop at the last minute KNOW that there will be extra shipping charges! SO…keep your store OPEN - right up to the last minute!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Your December Newsletter
Your task today is to read your December Newsletter that you'll receive in your inboxes shortly and work hard to qualify for the Bracelet/Earring Set. PS - I actually have 2 sets so your odds just doubled!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Update from the Trade Show
Quick and sweet for Tuesday but I already scheduled a birthday party for February off of the Tradeshow I did on Sunday! See!!!!
Positive Attitude = Positive Action!
Positive Attitude = Positive Action!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Plan “B”…
Depending on what part of the country you are reading our tips from, your family, like ours got a big HELLO from Father Winter this past weekend. Despite the fact that the calendar has yet to officially declare the winter solstice, the ice, snow and high winds were a jolt into the reality of what lies ahead in the months to come.
So, what is your plan B? If you live in Hawaii, Florida or Arizona - this may be a non-issue for you. But for those of us in the rest of the country, winter weather is a reality and it can cause all kinds of havoc in our home businesses - in particular our party calendars. When driving gets difficult, people cancel parties and cancelled parties can mean lost income - that is unless your backup plan is in place.
At this point, January and February are just a few weeks away - so getting dates on the calendar for the chilly months ahead needs to be a priority. Keep the following strategies in mind:
Overbook your calendar. This will help with any inclement weather cancellations and the worst that will happen if all the parties hold is that you have a solid base for your 2008 calendar.
Have a healthy smattering of catalog parties running and turn any cancelled parties into catalog parties. Hit those phones - be sure your hostess and her guests are excited and educated about the products you are offering in the winter months.
Don't waste an evening when a party cancels. If your family wasn't expecting you home that evening anyway - use it as a gift to touch base with those harder to reach customers that aren't always available during the day. Remember, if you couldn't get out on the roads, chances are they will be home too!
Work closely with your hostesses to be sure that the parties that hold have great attendance! After the holidays, general rule of thumb is that she will need to invite at least triple the number of guests she would like in attendance. Offer incentives if guests bring a friend or TWO. Coach your hostess to help her guests think of people they might bring along.
Ask for HELP! As obvious as it may seem, ask your hostess to be sure there is a clear path shoveled for you to get into the house with your samples. Also, don't be shy about asking for help carrying your products in the house. This should be a normal part of your hostess coaching calls!
Stay positive! Despite the cold, don't complain - especially to your hostess. Have FUN, so that she will be open minded to joining the business with you!
Remember, January and February are a great time to gather together all the friends and relatives that hostesses didn't get a chance to see over the holidays. That is a GREAT reason to host a party in the winter months. In fact, YOU may want to do the same.
Be INTENTIAL as you set your goals for 2008. Strong business activity in the first months of the year sets the stage for success!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
LWL Holiday Showcase Report
So today was an interesting day. I talked my Mom into helping me out at the showcase today which was nice to have the company. We had a horribly stormy day threatening snow so the turn out was really poor. I was hoping for a lot more people but to no avail.
I actually did make some great contact even though there weren't any "sales."
I actually did make some great contact even though there weren't any "sales."
- A Seattle's women's magazine is interested in possibly doing a story and working on advertising together for Valentines.
- A Bed & Breakfast that wants lotions and shower gels made specifically for their location
- 3 Potential Birthday Parties
- A Drillteam Fundraiser (possibly 200 Party specials)
and a few more connections so that should be something for sure. It's interesting how one "defeat" can turn into a "win" if you just keep the right attitude and find the good in your connections.
Let me know how your parties went this weekend!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Great Party Today
So today ended up being a great party even though snow threatened our weather and I wasn't too sure about the turn out. Here's a quick recap about my customers and what they ordered:
Tina my hostess ordered 2 shower gels & a home warmer set
Sharon ordered 1 shower gel
Wendy ordered 1 shower gel
Kristine ordered 2 bubble bath
Terri ordered 1 Lotion, 1 Bubble Bath, a warmer and an extra oil
Sandra ordered a shower gel
Total party sales were $227.90
(If the collection order comes in that will be a total of $317.85)
One of my best parties with only 5 people! These warmers are a huge hit and obviously added another $100 to my party.
Tomorrow is the Holiday Showcase. Looking forward to telling you about it and how the sales go! Hope everyone's having a successful weekend and looking forward to some great updates!
Tina my hostess ordered 2 shower gels & a home warmer set
Sharon ordered 1 shower gel
Wendy ordered 1 shower gel
Kristine ordered 2 bubble bath
Terri ordered 1 Lotion, 1 Bubble Bath, a warmer and an extra oil
Sandra ordered a shower gel
Total party sales were $227.90
(If the collection order comes in that will be a total of $317.85)
One of my best parties with only 5 people! These warmers are a huge hit and obviously added another $100 to my party.
Tomorrow is the Holiday Showcase. Looking forward to telling you about it and how the sales go! Hope everyone's having a successful weekend and looking forward to some great updates!
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