These new products are amazing and as you've seen from the sneak preview that McKenna announced via email, they allow us to have purchases from personality takers, those that can't attend a party, and many more avenues!
Think of this as My Scents on crack! (PS we will still have the 3/6/9 customizable My Scents ongoing but this is more of a default order after taking the online test). 6 oils are chosen based on the personality test results so there will be a total of 6 collections (6 oils/6 collections, easy to remember). The packaging is also receiving a makeover which I will post to this later if I haven't received by email in time. Customers will be able to purchase directly from your site. One thing to be aware of is that they can also purchase this type of kit from the Corp Site. Re-direct sites are advised for those doing a lot of online marketing so that you don't lose customers they may forget to type in the /shawna (for example) on the end. Test results will be more valuable to the customers and will actually show an image of "UB" picking out their individual oils and really personalize the overall feel. The oils included in each family will be 3-4 of the actual scent family and then 2-3 others (like Sandalwood and Egyptian Musk) that blend nicely to create a more well rounded scent that lasts longer with other scents besides top notes like Fruity's and Florals.
Sample recipes will also be included along with an updated brochure that explains the scent making process. The kits will contain the 6 oils, 1 perfume, 1 lotion, and 1 shower gel. It will retail for $89.95 + $10.00 shipping and designers will receive a 25% commission ($22.49 per kit) which is the same commission we receive on MY Scents Members purchases now. There are over 44k possibilities of scent combinations with the 6 oils.
Once a customer is linked to you and returns to purchase you will continue to receive commissions on their future purchases. Your commissions will be added to your regular monthly commission checks and be before the 15th of the following month (same as today).
Our personal web sites will also receive a bit of a face lift making them easier to maneuver for first time visitors and allowing customers to be directed immediately to take the online test. They will also contain simple messaging on what UB is, etc.
There will be a campaign that you can link all past website visitors to explaining about the new kit and hopefully bring in some business from those that never booked a party or were interested in buying but not hosting.
Here is some housekeeping that I'll be doing to truly utilize this new technology:
- Send out the campaign email to past hostesses and personality takers
- Remind hostesses that they can qualify for more goodies with outside sales at their parties. Be sure to have them give you names of those buying so you can match them with your online sales
- Revisit past bloggers, those that wrote articles, and overall free press and show them about the new technology and ask them to write an update
- Show salons and boutiques how they can also become an "online" distributor and bring in extra sales without hosting events, etc.
- Go back to any UB Designers that pittered out and show them the incredible new opportunity they have by becoming active again and truly bringing in traffic to their sites with little to no effort on their part!
- Get a re-directing website that takes people directly to my UB site so that I don't lose any sales for all the web advertising, etc. I'm doing. (very little cost to just redirect a URL).
Urban Botanic continues to bring us the best in technology, innovation, and overall bang for our investment buck! If there are potential designers you've been talking to, send them to my blog to hear more and come early July you'll see this coolness in action!
I'll be posting the agenda from the call on Team Burst if you want every little detail and I've enclosed the info from McKenna's email on the picture, etc. below...
"We don't yet have an image of the packaged set, but the attached is the components with some extra "props", which will be displayed on the site. I'll do my best to describe the packaging: It's a clear vinyl bag that is circle-shaped on the bottom and drawstring on the top. It has an insert that wraps around the inside of the bag that has the U.B.You Signature collection logo, etc. Inside the bag there is a small clear box that contains the 6 oils and the mixing glass. Around the clear box, we position the unscented Parfum, Lotion, Shower Gel, mixing stick, instructions, etc. So everything including the unscented product fits in the custom vinyl bag. "
I This is HUGE news! And should really have a HUGE impact on our businesses. I have to wonder now if on my initial visit to McKenna's website if I had been able to purchase would I be a designer today. I probably would have fallen in love and then signed up rather than signed up then fell in love. It's all good and I am excited for the growth of UB>
It definitely takes the guess work out of "will I like this?" I know when Karen G signed up she had me make one of each of the products and this would've given her the opportunity to make what she really liked herself and then she would've still become hooked on it! 6 oils would never have been enough for me ;)
I've seen the new packaging. You are going to LOVE it.
I was in Palm Springs for 3 days (116 degree temperatures) for a work conference and it drove me crazy because I could get just enough of the email on my Blackberry to know that something exciting happened, but not enough of it to understand the details! Now, I'm home with full computer access and I SEE WHAT THE HYPE WAS ALL ABOUT!!! Wow! This is huge! I can't wait to see it all and add it to my business presentation! I love UB!
Just thought of a questions...what is the "redirect" site? How do we do that?
Shawna, your "housekeeping" items are perfect! I hope everyone takes the time to do these steps (the web redirect is optional)... you have the potential sell BIG NUMBERS of U.B.You Sig. Frag. Collections just by sending out a handful of emails and re-connecting with your bloggers and past hostesses.
Just to give you an idea Avis, the web re-direct means you buy a web domain like shawnastraub.com and use that on your cards and info. The only reason is if you are doing a lot of online stuff people can leave off the /shawna on my ub website and buy from Corp. So not to lose a sale you can purchase a domain like I mentioned that redirects to your site.
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