I have been married to my husband for 6 years. We have a blended family. He brought 2 children to the marriage and I brought 2 children to the marriage. My 2 sons and his son all live with us fulltime and my step daughter lives with her mother fulltime. My boys are 14, 16 and 18. We live in Colton, California which is in Southern California…half way between Los Angeles and Palm Springs. My birthday is December 9th.
My job as a Special Education Administrator is very stressful and there are many days that I wish I could afford to go back to teaching. Although I am good at what I do, I believe I am a Teacher at heart and not an Administrator. So…I was looking for a business that would allow me to have fun doing something that made up the difference between a teacher salary and my administrative salary. I was also attracted by the fact that this is a young company that I would be able to get in on the ground floor and that it involved smells and estrogen. My life revolves around testosterone and I need to do something “girlie”.
I did discuss my desire to do this business with my husband and he is very supportive of me doing what I want to do. He understands my goal to get out of administration and would like me to be able to do that. My best friend is very supportive and is ready for me to come to her school to allow her office staff to make their own scented lotion for Secretary’s day. I have not discussed it with any one else but am confident that my friends and family will love this and support my business.
My strongest scent was “herby” followed by “woodsy”. I have not been to a party and do not have my kit yet, but in looking at the scents that fall in those two families, I think it will be right on.
Because an educator’s contract goes from July to June, by June 2008 I plan to be at a place with Urban Botanic to have a choice to go back to teaching. I am a business builder. I am a Christian with a great deal of faith that this is an answer to my prayers. I believe that God wants me to prosper. I am also creative and sociable.
My job as a Special Education Administrator is very stressful and there are many days that I wish I could afford to go back to teaching. Although I am good at what I do, I believe I am a Teacher at heart and not an Administrator. So…I was looking for a business that would allow me to have fun doing something that made up the difference between a teacher salary and my administrative salary. I was also attracted by the fact that this is a young company that I would be able to get in on the ground floor and that it involved smells and estrogen. My life revolves around testosterone and I need to do something “girlie”.
I did discuss my desire to do this business with my husband and he is very supportive of me doing what I want to do. He understands my goal to get out of administration and would like me to be able to do that. My best friend is very supportive and is ready for me to come to her school to allow her office staff to make their own scented lotion for Secretary’s day. I have not discussed it with any one else but am confident that my friends and family will love this and support my business.
My strongest scent was “herby” followed by “woodsy”. I have not been to a party and do not have my kit yet, but in looking at the scents that fall in those two families, I think it will be right on.
Because an educator’s contract goes from July to June, by June 2008 I plan to be at a place with Urban Botanic to have a choice to go back to teaching. I am a business builder. I am a Christian with a great deal of faith that this is an answer to my prayers. I believe that God wants me to prosper. I am also creative and sociable.
Shawna's Fun Questions:
What is the strangest date you've ever been on and why?
The strangest date that I ever went on was with this guy that picked me up wearing a velvet suit with an ascot around his neck…and I believe it was a shade of purple. He told me he had two front row tickets to the theater to see the play “Evita” and had reservations at an upscale restaurant for dinner. Funny thing is that the restaurant could not seem to find his reservation so seated us by the kitchen and the front row tickets ended up being in the nosebleed section…second to last row. Everything was bad about that night, but I would have to say that the worst part was looking at the ascot all night!
What is your greatest accomplishment in your life so far?
I believe that the greatest accomplishment in my life so far is my education. I am the only one in my family with a college education. I have my Masters Degree in Educational Administration. When I graduated from high school, I had no concept of college and had to figure it out on my own.
The strangest date that I ever went on was with this guy that picked me up wearing a velvet suit with an ascot around his neck…and I believe it was a shade of purple. He told me he had two front row tickets to the theater to see the play “Evita” and had reservations at an upscale restaurant for dinner. Funny thing is that the restaurant could not seem to find his reservation so seated us by the kitchen and the front row tickets ended up being in the nosebleed section…second to last row. Everything was bad about that night, but I would have to say that the worst part was looking at the ascot all night!
What is your greatest accomplishment in your life so far?
I believe that the greatest accomplishment in my life so far is my education. I am the only one in my family with a college education. I have my Masters Degree in Educational Administration. When I graduated from high school, I had no concept of college and had to figure it out on my own.
Welcome (again) Avis! I am so thrilled to have you on my team!
I love the ascot story...I can only imagine your face when you first saw your date dressed like that! LOL
- Kelsey
Okay, I had to google "ascot". Thanks for helping me learn something new today :) ~Angie
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