So we are nearing the 2 month mark from my birthday which is June 15th. There are 2 specific things I want for MY birthday more than anything...
Well there is this as well, but I'm thinking more for my 40th...
Ok so back to reality for a moment...
I want to have lost another 20 lbs by June 15th and look amazing on the special day where I plan to rent a dinner cruise for friends and family with a DJ - which I am currently working on and doing really well (6 lbs already in a little over a week).
The other is to celebrate the 50th Hive Member!
BUT - if you really want me to have the BEST birthday ever and share my presents (meaning anyone that assists in this effort gets a bday present from me!) than we need to get it going on! I know that Lauri has 2 people in the works right now which gives us 27 and Kelsey has 2-3 as well which gets us to 30! See how quickly it's going!!! LOVE IT!
So your fearless leader (wow that's funny) is asking for her dreams to come true by 6/15 and I want to know who's with me? LEAVE A COMMENT PEOPLE! LOVE YA XXOO
I'm so charged I nearly fell out of my chair! I'm working my butt off here in MA and following up on as many leads and dropping UB in conversation whenever pragmatically approrpiate. Great job on the 6 lbs. Keep going!
Ok, my birthday is 3 days later and I want the same present that Shawna wants! So I am going to totally steal this and challenge my team to give me the same present (except it will be my 44th b-day and I am getting a house for my 45th)
I'm working on one (though you may already be counting her among Lauri's)!
Man, all I want is a Wii and an ipod... boy do I feel silly... oh, and to weigh 130 by 30 lol... that's going to be the theme for my birthday!
So, fifty team members by June... we can pull it off.
Oh My Goodness you gals are the best! Karen I don't think I was counting that one actually so AWESOME! Kristie keep it up your seed planting is about to HARVEST! You should have received those flyers today too!
Sandra you sure don't look 44 - whatever you're doing is WORKING! I love all these pyschotic geminis in my life LOL!
Wow- Great Birthday Wish. I'm trying, I have one person who will hopefully sign by then. Also, hoping to find us a few Pa consultants at the womens expo.
Keep plugging away Lisa - it all comes together at the last minute and all at once with UB ;)
I signed up a new team member today! My b-day just passed so I'll have to think of a really good goal for myself for next March....
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