This pregnancy has been SO different I was positive that a little girl would be the news of the day today. Imagine my surprise when "she" had a penis! Oh well, we're good with 2 boys in the house hold and at least I know how to be a "boy's" Mom so I'm fine with the outcome though one of each would have been nice but then again, 2 healthy boys is my preference any day.
So for today it's all Shawna news and no UB news so hopefully no one minds!
Congratulations, Shawna!
I, too, was so sure I was pregnant with a girl until we saw the "obvious" on the ultrasound. Now, though I often yearn for girly things and wonder what it would be like to have a girl in the house besides me, I couldn't imagine not having my boy (as you know from your own experience!).
Glad it's all going well. So happy for you!
Conrats Shawna!
Oh I had to change my name because of online bad guys. Tami
LOL - I couldn't figure you out Tami thanks for the heads up :)
Congratulations Shawna!!! For me, God knew exactly what He was doing when he made me the Mom of Boys. Back when, I also yearned for estrogen in the house. Now...not so much! I have more than enough estrogen for this house! LOL! Boys are fun! Congrats!
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