This month has been so exciting thus far. The race for Designer of the Month is as close as I've ever seen it. Check out the teamburst calendar to see more parties in a month than we've ever had and I KNOW THAT WE DON'T HAVE EVERYONE ON THERE! So please send in your party dates for Nov and Dec and I'll get them up there so we can all celebrate!
I've added a few extra parties myself and hopefully you all saw a copy of my Open House invite. is a great resource I use it constantly (pun intended)! I'm so excited to see the growth and wonderful parties that everyone is having. I'm looking forward to my next event. The Ladies Who Launch Holiday Shopping Spree:
I hope you all enjoy your weekend. I've finally come up with a name for Baby Boy (pretty much over the shock now!) - We'll now have Dallon & DAWSON. Please continue to send me your weekly updates and don't be shy to cash in your Hive Points. Just send me an accounting of them and let me know what you're earning and I'll get it out to you.
All the Best!
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