Hopefully you're all enjoying a great Mother's Day with your families. I will be spending mine with breakfast (strawberry crepes) with my Mother that morning and then Ted's cousin actually has her wedding reception on Mother's Day so we'll be heading there.
I was laughing so hard last night at dinner with my best fried from High School. Her ex-husband called to ask her "what" she wanted for Mother's Day. (Very ironic if you know the situation). She told him to come and get his son for the weekend! That's what she wanted for Mother's Day! (still laughing)
So last night they had their 3 kids all at different babysitters and Dallon is at his Dad's this weekend (usually he wouldn't be but it's the rotation and we have the Little League parade at the Mariner's game next weekend so had to let it go).
Today I'm headed to my co-workers baby shower with my UB Lotion as part of the package so that will be a good starter for parties I hope. I shared the newest recipe on our Yahoo Group and it's called Baby Angelina.
This weekend is actually turning out very relaxing and fun. Sometimes I think we need to forget about what others think (like my BF did) and do whatever it takes to recharge our own batteries. For those of us working a FT job and doing UB (I actually took a vacation day to do the event on Monday), it can really be a bit stressful at times so it's important to make sure you're doing what you need to in order to keep up with the day. So if it's pawning off your kids to your ex husband for some sanity? THEN SO BE IT!
I love you all and wish you an incredible day...
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