I wanted to share out this amazing info from Kristie Edelman in MA. She is a trooper in the business and always (at least that I see) has a positive outlook and works really hard to get the UB name out in her community. In her words below you'll see how she managed a 20 person event alone and came out shining!
"I just wanted to fill you in the "slumber party." I put it in quotes b/c most of the women ended up going home by midnight. The thought of sleeping on hard floors in sleeping bags lost it's appeal by then.
There were about 20 women that attended the event and 15 that actually participated in the scents. The women were a blast, full of jokes and enthusiasm. I enjoyed their company; their positive energy was infectious. I did a short presentation for all and then split them in half for the workshop. They were for the most part, fairly speedy in coming up with their fragrances.
There were a few, however, that wanted to start over and over again. This part was a little frustrating when I was attempting to move them along. Another challenge was the actual mixing of the products. I chose to mix the party packages of which there were 7. It got a little confusing for me, particularly b/c I was still working with other women while batching and blending. I'm not sure if I would do that again as I was there until 12:00 a.m. finishing up the packages. I will say that the women probably had a better time since they did not have to do the "tedious" part of the process.
I got one potential booking (we picked a few dates and I will call her this week to firm it up), but had hoped for two. I wrote thank you notes for all them women with my business card enclosed (good advice on your blogg Shawna) and hope that someone will call for a booking. I would love some more suggestions from any of the team members that have good turn-out with bookings. "
Awesome job Kristie! You have the patience of a saint staying up til midnight. I believe you had mentioned in a separate email that you did $450 in volume which I know is a Hive record so congrats!
I wanted to talk to the team about her last comments on getting bookings. I think it's huge that you wrote out those thank you cards and these happy women will think about parties while they are using their incredible products. A trick that works for me a lot is following up on how they are liking their products and if they have any questions, etc. Just a follow up call always shocks people that you care long after the sale. At that point you can also mention that you have some dates open in June and if they know "anyone" that might be interested to please pass on your info as there is free product involved, etc. This triggers a lot of people to say "what about me?"
Of course this is exactly what you're looking for and this way they can jump at the opportunity or even do a joint party with a friend they know might be interested!?
Let us know how that goes and if you've been able to book a party since you reported on the event...
Hive Members that book parties like crazy (Avis, Cat, Kristin, etc.) please let us know your secrets in the comments section!
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