I'm a single mom of an 8-1/2 yr old named Lance (he's the cute one in the picture!) I literally live accross the street from LA International Airport in a small city by the name of El Segundo which is considered the Mayberry of LA County- we have a small town feel.
As I mentioned earlier I work at The Hacienda Hotel and Conference Center at Lax here in El Segundo as a Front Desk Clerk. This position enables me to meet people from all over the world which I enjoy.
I started with UB after being with several other direct selling and network marketing companies- I believe this to be the best fit for me as I absolutely LOVE anything scented. I had my first party recently and although not many attended (4 people and my mom!) I made a little over $100.00 and I got to meet my sponsor Avis Board who was extremely helpful and nice!
So I'm excited for the near future as my mom has already told me she plans to have several parties for all her friends- I'm getting nothing but compliments about this company from my friends that attended my party.
Now answers to Shawna's questions-
If I were left on a desserted island I would need the following:
1. My son's picture (assuming he could not be one of the 3 items)
2. Mp3 player
3. Under eye concealer
Suggestions for expanding the UB line-
Home scents, linen scents, animal scents and scented candles
Oh Tracy...what a great post! I didn't know you had a son. He's adorable! I'm so glad you are here in SoCal...we are going to explode here!!! You're AWESOME!
Welcome (again) Tracy! It's so nice to put a face with the name. You and Avis are rockin' SoCal - I LOVE it!!
- Kelsey
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