Hive Talkin Replay info: Playback Number: (641) 985-5009 Access Code: 805628#
May is a fun month - wouldn't you agree? In most parts of the country the weather is gorgeous. Nature is at its finest, the grass is green, the trees and flowers are in full bloom. Daily, the mailman delivers envelopes that are a little more `interesting' than normal. If your house is like ours, your calendar is quickly filling with weddings, baby showers, graduations, birthday parties, fundraising events, and end of the school year activities.
This time of year, it can be a little more of a challenge to keep your `business blinders' on. There are a lot of distractions that can keep us from our normal office hours and routines and it goes without saying that is probably the case with your teams as well.
In honor of this year's Indy 500, here are some ideas on how to RE-Start that business engine.
Re-start your own engine first. There is a saying - `if it's to be, it's up to me.' A good leader never expects her team to do something that she isn't doing herself. Before focusing on what your team is not doing, take a look at your own calendar and if it is not solid take one day to fill it up.. Focus on booking up close - ask your hostess to invite everyone by phone instead of a written invitation. For some added inspiration - get a buddy to do the same and spur one another on. Celebrate your efforts with a `Pit-stop' at a local outdoor café for a cup of coffee.
Schedule a spring open house. This is a fun time of year to invite your best customers to drop by and see what is new.
Participate in a neighborhood garage sale. Outdoor activities abound in the spring. Set your samples up in a separate area of your garage from items that you are selling at your garage sale. This is a great way to get leads for parties and hostesses - you might even consider selling some old samples to get the `dings and dents' out of your display.
Once your personal business is in place, now it's time to help your team get `rolling'. How about your own INDY 500 race to get them `back on track'. You can always find old trophies at the local thrift store to reward the winners at your next team meeting. Hit the phone and make some `speedy' calls to get them rolling. Let them know how much fun you had filling your May calendar in one day with your business buddy - share with them what you did - this way you are leading by example. Consider teaming them up with one another; rewarding the team that crosses the finish line with the best results.
Consider offering a contest for hostesses who book this month. Just as our consultants need a little extra `something' to get going - hostesses do as well. Think about what you might offer May hostesses to create a sense of urgency and motivation to book this month and not next.
The whole key to getting activity on the books in May is to keep things light and fun but to also create a sense of urgency. But remember, it starts with YOU as the leader. Once you are speeding towards the finish line - you'll find your team will be zooming right along with you!