Being a big fan of working mother magazine I'm pretty psyched to have been chosen to be one of their full time MOMBLOG bloggers. I figure this will be a great opportunity to have a lot of exposure on a site that so many Moms visit and hopefully get the word out on UB even more. http://workingmother.com/web?service=vpage/269
Kelsey has mastered finding blogs that really target our main market. She has had some really fast team growth with her Kenzie Kate and Design Mom success. It's fun to watch the weekly reports from Corp as to where hits are coming in from and how many. That report is definitely how I measure how much exposure something I'm doing is getting and be sure that it makes sense to keep doing it or try a different angle.
The biggest win is finding method that are completely free to you and to Urban Botanic to share the message and save your pocket book! Blogs, online articles, websites, etc. are great ways to do that and truly grow your team nationally.
Check out the teamburst site for email templates you can use to start yourself on the road to blogdom!
1 comment:
I tried to post a comment over on your Working Mother blog (because that's how we bloggers support each other), but it kept sending me to an error page. So I'm posting it here:
I'm sitting here reading your blogs and sort of making fun of you in my mind..."What's wrong with this woman?! Doesn't she see how impossible her workload is?"
Then I realized I'm just as bad. I own and operate two publishing companies; planning to add a new imprint; I'm the owner, operator and chief bottle washer in a pre-press company (since 1991); I work as an Urban Botanic fragrance designer, as you do; I write home school curriculum; I'm working on a non-fiction book that is almost done; I have a couple of novels in progress; I coordinate and host a monthly writers group; I have about 14 blogs (some I post to more regularly than others); I spend a lot of time networking; I am on the board of a non-profit organization; was recently asked to run for the board of a publishing/bookselling association; and have just been approached by two other companies to do some free-lance work for them--and the crazy thing is I'm actually considering it; I'm active in my church; I am an election judge in my community; and I have a husband, home and four children (even though they're mostly grown, I still meddle in their lives every chance I get). And when I can't sleep at night, I plan MORE businesses that I'd love to start if I only had the funding.
I guess we are nuts, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Would you? :)
Professional Inksplasher
UB blogger
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