Saturday, March 10, 2007

Reminder - Hive Call Sunday Night

HIVE Con Call - Exciting Agenda!

Winners have been chosen for 2 things that will be announced on this call!

  1. Naming the Monthly Conference Call - Our winner will be revealed and a 30 Day WAHM Ad will be her reward!
  2. Recruiter of the month! (January/February) - A Burberry Purse Set will be awarded to our top recruiter for the first 2 months of 2007. Who will it be?
  3. We'll be covering the New Hive Point System that will allow members to earn free business essentials and advertising on the Queen Bee's purse strings ;)
  4. Welcoming our new members - those that can make this first call will get a special hello and advice from the best of the best!
  5. SavvyMommy.Com Announcement
  6. UB Scentsational Shout Outs
  7. Simply Home Nationwide Ad
  8. Media Kits - Featured Hive Members
  9. Buddy System
  10. The Hive Five Questionnaire for potential consultants

I'm looking forward to a great team call. We are 1 away from having 20 in The Hive and being the largest team in the company (we are tied with Kiki currently on members). I know we'll have another 4 joining in the next 2 weeks and I'm so ecstatic I can hardly sleep at night!

Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7000

Participant Access Code: 805628#

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