Fun advice from The Success Factory...
Shopping - not my favorite thing. In fact, my non-enthusiasm for shopping is one of the reasons I got started in direct sales. Somehow - I always have more fun and spend more money when I'm at a home party. I'm every hostesses' and consultant's dream customer because I'm the one who gets caught up in the excitement and consequently walks away about $100 lighter.
A few days ago, I needed a birthday gift for my sister in law. She's long distance and so, I don't always have a handle on what she might like. I found myself in this cute little boutique and where I was drawn over and over again to these “gift assortments” - already bundled and wrapped in cellophane and tied up with darling ribbon. It was great because someone else had done all the work for me. They'd put together items that made sense - were at a gift giving price (about $25 - $30) and then packaged them up so that all I needed to do was add a card.
What can YOU do at your parties and booths to make purchases easier and also appeal to those impulse buyers?
Springtime means weddings, new babies, birthdays, Easter - lots of gift giving needs. Why not consider some “bundles” to have on hand as impulse buys - cash and carry items - displayed right next to where you are totaling orders at your next party. Check online for inexpensive resources for cellophane and other gift wrapping supplies.
Remember, we are in the service industry - so the easier you make purchasing for your customers, the more you will sell.
Have you personally done gift packages? I would love some ideas besides the whole pacifer for babies, razor for men things--maybe something more inclusive.
I was thinking of approaching wedding planners in this area about doing a bride workshop, and then offering a special "honeymoon" hostess gift for any bride that books her own party--the gift to be a bubble bath, and...something else romantic. I haven't gotten that far yet. :)
It would be great to know what you have included in gift packages, and what kind of success rate you are seeing with them.
Aimee, the majority of the gift baskets I've done have been for charity auctions. I love where you're going with the "honeymoon" idea for sure! That gives me an idea to even check with bed and breakfasts or others that do that and offer putting that together for their brides and grooms personalized. Some private hotels as well. There is just sooo many ideas it's hard to pack them all in. I think you just start with something. Audit the success and than tweak or move forward!
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