I'm tired. Very, very tired. I should be in bed with my husband sleeping and conoodling BUT I can't. I'm trying to type in my excited stupor from the incredible connections I made tonite. It seems next to impossible sometimes when you're driving to an event and think to yourself - My son needs me, my husband needs me, I want to crash.
Then you remember that every time you actually put yourself out and really are inspired to attend an event, it's God's way (or the universe or whatever you believe) of rewarding you for that last ditch effort. Tonite was tough. I had to commute an hour to the event after a LONG and arduous day at the office to the Ladies Who Launch monthly incubator meeting. One good thing is they make you pay $300 your first year to join and then $150 every year after to stay in. For that kind of dough you definitely feel the heat and obligation of attending. What I got out of it tonite (my 1st actual meeting I made) was worth my yearly fee and then some!
To preface this a bit, I had done the long commute and was driving my husband's F150 Ford Truck because my car is in the shop from my Valentines Day wreck so trying to parallel park that bad boy in downtown Seattle is like, well - A NIGHTMARE. And it took me 30 minutes to find parking all the while saying to myself, WHERE IS THIS DUMB PLACE?
Luckily they had fresh Mexican when I arrived and miniature cupcakes to sooth my stress so I managed to calm down. I sat right in the front row and begin to laugh at myself. These women at the event all own boutiques, they are skinny, gorgeous, wear their own clothing and jewelry designs, and are freaking hot! I was in my yellow rain slicker, the outfit wasn't my worst, all black to fit in but no body to go with it if you get my drift. Oh my hell I forgot my dress shoes and was wearing tennis shoes. Not good when they have on black boots up to their hips. You might think WHO CARES? Well THEY DO - trust me! First impressions are everything. So what saved my bacon and got me to 2nd base with these women? My passion of being a fragrance designer and letting them know what "I" can do for "them."
Elise is the owner of www.downtowndoglounge.com in Seattle. She's beautiful, single, and married to Lily her dog breed that starts with a W and a pic of her is above (I better figure this out soon fyi). If you check out her website you'll see her client are dog lovers over the top. Her facility even has webcams so if you're out of town, you can view your love via the website and know they are safe and happy. They have grooming, clothing, the works. What they don't have? A signature fragrance for their pup and matching fragrances for owner and pup.
I explained to her the ingredients in the parfum spray and how there is no drying alcohol and she can test it on Lily to make sure it's all good to go. I let her know to not spray it near the eyes and to make sure to keep it on their back coat and not undercoat so they don't end up licking it off. I'm sending her a sample for Lily and going to see about monthly workshops for pet and owner to create their own fragrance and also having them utilize it in their grooming procedures. I almost died when one of their treatments was an Urban Bath or something with the word Urban. Can UB be anymore perfect? She actually brought "human grade" doggie treats with her card which I won't be eating but they are darn cute.
On a "human" note, another newcomer to the meeting was a woman starting a Party Planning business. She heard me speak and came right over to catch up. "Can I have your card Shawna?" - OH YES! I was meaning to talk to you as well! Here are some party ideas for you to consider and put on your menu - Tweens, Bubble Bath parties, and of course Ladies Night Out. She loved it and will take the personality test and give me a call and try it out herself!
All this folks in a 2 hour meeting and MORE TO COME! My doggie daycare is also being featured on a REALITY SHOW! Can you believe they'll be spraying UB signature fragrance on TV!? I'm dying.....
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