Before you get to know Karen, I have to say she is my ying (or yang) and a very strong Hive Member. She keeps it real and always reminds me to think of the team as a whole. She's a great leader and I'm so thankful to have her in my life. I asked her for a fun pic and she let it all hang out! LOL - Thank you Karen for being such a great sport and making these spotlights SUPER fun!
I’m ecstatically married to my handsome (and newly bald) husband, Jeff and we have two kids. Avery (girl) was 4 in December and Quinn (boy) turned 3 on March 7th.
After 10 years of city living in Louisville and Columbus, we moved back to rural southeast Oklahoma where my family is. It can definitely be a challenge to build a business out in the boonies, but I’m giving it my best shot!
My birthday is January 26th, which makes me an Aquarian, and I am definitely representative of the sign.
I graduated from the University of Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!) with a bachelor’s in fine arts and from the University of Louisville with a master’s in educational and counseling psychology.
I’m currently a WAHM and I make my living as a freelance educational consultant.
I visit the WAHM.com forums constantly and one day I saw the banner ad on the screen. As soon as I looked at the website, I knew it was for me. I’ve never been interested in direct sales at all, but UB “spoke” to me. It was a product that I would buy and I’m a tough customer. Plus, I recognized the enormous growth potential and I wanted to be in on the ground floor.
I have an excellent support system. I’m so fortunate that my husband is 100% behind anything I do. My mom is also a big supporter and she often goes with me to parties to lend a hand. I’m very blessed in that way.
I really enjoy the UB forum on WAHM because I get so much inspiration not only from Hive members but from the greater Urban Botanic family as well. I hope fellow Hive members continue to share their stories as a form of support. What I can do for others is to be a sounding board and I can offer any tips or tricks of the trade that I’ve learned. If anyone ever needs anything, just ask!
I’m a definite leafy and I do agree with the leafy description- it fits me to a T. I do really enjoy a lot of the leafy scents; in fact, honeysuckle is my favorite fragrance in the bag!
I’m definitely not in this as a hobby. I’d love to label myself as a business builder and I’m striving for that, but I’m running into some unforeseen obstacles being here in no-man’s land. In reality, I’ll be very happy if I can make manager by this time next year. It’s my goal to be successful with UB as well as continuing to grow my freelance business.
One personality trait I have that helps to make me successful at UB is sincerity. I just don’t blow smoke about things- it’s not my style. I think people can immediately see that I truly believe in the UB products and the career plan. It makes them take the time to listen to what I have to say because, in the immortal words of Mr. Randy Jackson, “I’m just keepin’ it real, dog.” LOL
After 10 years of city living in Louisville and Columbus, we moved back to rural southeast Oklahoma where my family is. It can definitely be a challenge to build a business out in the boonies, but I’m giving it my best shot!
My birthday is January 26th, which makes me an Aquarian, and I am definitely representative of the sign.
I graduated from the University of Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!) with a bachelor’s in fine arts and from the University of Louisville with a master’s in educational and counseling psychology.
I’m currently a WAHM and I make my living as a freelance educational consultant.
I visit the WAHM.com forums constantly and one day I saw the banner ad on the screen. As soon as I looked at the website, I knew it was for me. I’ve never been interested in direct sales at all, but UB “spoke” to me. It was a product that I would buy and I’m a tough customer. Plus, I recognized the enormous growth potential and I wanted to be in on the ground floor.
I have an excellent support system. I’m so fortunate that my husband is 100% behind anything I do. My mom is also a big supporter and she often goes with me to parties to lend a hand. I’m very blessed in that way.
I really enjoy the UB forum on WAHM because I get so much inspiration not only from Hive members but from the greater Urban Botanic family as well. I hope fellow Hive members continue to share their stories as a form of support. What I can do for others is to be a sounding board and I can offer any tips or tricks of the trade that I’ve learned. If anyone ever needs anything, just ask!
I’m a definite leafy and I do agree with the leafy description- it fits me to a T. I do really enjoy a lot of the leafy scents; in fact, honeysuckle is my favorite fragrance in the bag!
I’m definitely not in this as a hobby. I’d love to label myself as a business builder and I’m striving for that, but I’m running into some unforeseen obstacles being here in no-man’s land. In reality, I’ll be very happy if I can make manager by this time next year. It’s my goal to be successful with UB as well as continuing to grow my freelance business.
One personality trait I have that helps to make me successful at UB is sincerity. I just don’t blow smoke about things- it’s not my style. I think people can immediately see that I truly believe in the UB products and the career plan. It makes them take the time to listen to what I have to say because, in the immortal words of Mr. Randy Jackson, “I’m just keepin’ it real, dog.” LOL
Shawna's Note: I asked Karen her favorite fast food...
I'm not a big fan of the fast food. Actually, my VERY favorite is Little Caesar's. I could eat their bread and sauce every day and not get tired of it. Does that count as fast food?
Karen - I so enjoyed reading more about you! Funny coincidence...my daughter's name is Quinlon and if my son would have been a girl, Avery was the name we had picked out. Great minds, as they say... :)
- Kelsey
The Dog pound says, "Rrruff, Rrruff!" Let's have some Crazy Bread together someday:) ~Angie
I swear I'm like 17 months pregnant in that picture. That belly is not from Little Caesars alone!
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