Fun lead generator info from Daily Direct Sales Tips...
A lead box is simply a box wrapped with a tablet of paper that people can sign with information on them for a drawing of one of your products. (This can also be a fishbowl) There are 2 ways to do this:
- Ask permission to set one up -make the shop owner a booking hostess and for ever person she books, she will receive a percentage off or free product. Leave them up for a week or so and then pick them up. Call each person who signed up. Put information on the outside of the box like "register for a free drawing for_____.
- All information must be filled out completely to qualify. The drawing ticket asks for name, address, phone #, email address, I am interested in earning free merchandise by hosting a show, I am interested in fundraiser information, I am interested in receiving a brochure, I am interested in information on becoming an independent consultant with (company name). If the shop owner is acting as a booking hostess, leave brochures with her.
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