Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"Assuming" as it relates to recruits

Great info from The Success Factory...

We talked about “assuming” with regards to hostess coaching. Today, we will talk about assuming as it relates to new recruits on your team.

One phenomenon we frequently observe in the party plan business is representatives who “hop” from company to company. We at TSF call this “the grass is always greener” syndrome (for lack of better terminology).

When you sign someone who was formerly with another party plan company, it is important to chat with them about their experience with that company. Once again, don't assume that they necessarily know what they are doing. Chances are good (especially if they were with that company for less than a year) that they don't.

Remember, if they had been experiencing success and satisfaction in the company they were at, they would have stayed. Even for consultants who were long time reps with another company it is important to realize that every company is different. Terminology is different, compensation plans are different and product is different. While certain aspects (such as hostess coaching and recruiting) require the same skills company to company; we can never assume anything.

Treat every new team recruit with equal respect and give them equal time, attention and training based on their goals. Be aware of difficulties that they might have had with their previous company and offer the best your company has to give. Some will find the success in your company eluded them in the past, and some will hop again elsewhere because again, the grass looks greener on the other side of yet another fence.

Just as we “sort” to find customers, hostesses and recruits, we “sort” to find quality team members. If you know you've given them the same attention and information that all your new team members get, then, when and if they choose to move on, you have nothing to feel badly about. You only need feel badly if you ASSUMED they needed no attention because they were with another company in the past.

1 comment:

Angie said...

And we know what happens when we "assume", right?~Angie