Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lessons in building rapport - TSF

For the past month, our family has been dealing with some serious health issues with my mom. All kinds of new people have entered our lives - doctors, nurses, therapists, health care technicians, ambulance drivers - you name it.

I have been privileged to observe absolute masters of rapport building as I watch my parents interact with these folks. It is pure, it is kind and it is honest. My parents are the kind of people who just take a genuine interest in others. What an example they are. It matters not who the person is. It might even be someone on a short elevator ride. My folks just make it their business to get to know people. Between the first and the third floor of a hospital elevator - my dad had a great conversation with a man who was also a Veteran (my dad always wears his Korean War Vet cap). My mom never forgets to ask her home health nurse what her son's Boy Scout troop is doing this week. In a two mile ambulance ride, she was on a first name basis with the EMT who rode with her, knew where he lived and even which route he took to work each day.

No matter what speed bumps the road of life throws you - it is never bad to take a genuine interest in others.

So often at TSF we hear that you are having difficulties talking to strangers. It seems that when we join a direct sales business - somehow all of our normal people skills are forgotten. We get the feeling that we can't talk to anyone without feeling obliged to sell them product, book a party or recruit them and so, we get tongue tied and say nothing at all.

Does this sound like you? If it does, may I make a suggestion for you for the next several weeks? Try this exercise. Start talking to people again. Everywhere you go - just strike up conversations with strangers. Do your best to find out as much about them as you can. You will be AMAZED at what people tell you when you ask them questions about themselves. FAYC (FORGET ABOUT YOURSELF COMPLETELY). Just focus on THEM. Don't worry about talking about anything other than THEM.

The goal of this exercise is just to help you remember your people skills again. You CAN talk to strangers - you may have just temporarily forgotten how. This exercise will help build your confidence and re-teach you the fine art of LISTENING. Listening for needs is the key to true success in sales. So, give it a try - we would love to hear how this works for you

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The advantages of inclement weather

One of the good things about the inclement weather that January and February brings to many parts of the country is that you have a better chance of reaching your customers on the phone. If the weather is lousy, people are usually indoors.

These months are the perfect time to go through your data base and do follow-up calls with everyone you sold product to in the past year. Use your time wisely. In addition to re-connecting with them and asking them specifically about how their products are working out - make good use of your time by covering the following points:

Solve any product issues

Ask for re orders and/or be prepared to share any current related product specials.

Find out when this year your customer would like to hear from you to:

Order more product

Book a party

Join you in the business (be prepared to share why NOW is the best time to start!)

Use the weather to your best advantage. January and February are the months to line up your calendar for the entire year - so don't miss the opportunity that bad weather brings.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

There is a price for not asking

Not only do Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, in their book, The Aladdin Factor, help us understand our psyche and why we do not ask. But they also talk about the consequences of not asking.

I couldn't help but remember the people on my personal List of 100, who I spent a great deal of time thinking about - but never actually asking to join me in the business. Time and time again, my feelings were hurt when they took advantage of opportunities elsewhere. After all, I was (a relative, a close friend, a former classmate) - YOU fill in the blank.

The following excerpt is a sobering reminder about the price for not asking from The Aladdin Factor:

A number of years back the University of Chicago received a million dollar grant from Mrs. Fields of the Marshall Fields Department Store fame and fortune. When the administration at Northwestern University read the headline in the newspaper, the people of Northwestern were shocked. How could this be? Mrs. Fields lived in Evanston, Illinois. Northwestern was in Evanston, Illinois. She had been a supporter in the past. Why hadn't she donated the money to Northwestern? Why had she given the money to the University of Chicago instead?

When the university officials called Mrs. Fields to discover why she had given the money to the University of Chicago rather than to them, she replied, “The people of the University of Chicago asked. You didn't.”

Think about it and order and read The Aladdin Factor to help you get over your fear of asking!

Monday, January 28, 2008

New marketing materials hit the mark!

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For those of you that haven't received the new company marketing materials (brochure/catalog) make sure to order some as it's definitely worth the new strategy and some great new offerings we haven't had ready made to order.

I know I've mentioned to a lot of you the success with the TWEEN bday parties and I was so excited to see a Bday party unscented product package. Even if you aren't able to service all your bday party clients they can now do it theirself!

I hope this helps to jumpstart a few of your February's! Don't forget to send in your parties and keep up the great work! Looking forward to seeing some sucess stories on catalog parties as well now!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Success May Mean Being Different

One of the great paradoxes of life is that being "normal" or "reasonable" often means settling for ordinary results, while success requires that we step outside our normal boundaries, be different and, often, uncomfortable. Highly successful people are, by definition, not average people!

All of us have been pressured to conform at one time or another. We've been told to "sit still" in school, to "stop interrupting" or "not make a scene." We've been criticized for dressing, speaking, acting or thinking (or being) "different." The subtle and not-so-subtle pressures to accept conventional norms are powerful. "To get along, you have to go along."Well. Madame Currie, Florence Nightingale, Helen Keller, Amelia Earhart, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Oprah Winfrey are not admired because they were "average" people! Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, Charles Lindbergh, Franklin Roosevelt and Bill Gates were not "conventional" people.

Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as the greatest American president, yet the thing he was most known for among his friends was his obnoxious refusal to quit running for office, even after he lost thirty-two elections! That is not normal!

One of the things that has made America, and capitalism great, is our love of individuality. We have always had a loving attitude toward our "mad inventors." The Wright brothers thought they could fly! Henry Ford thought he could put a car in every garage. Ben Franklin flew a kite in a thunder storm (didn't his mother tell him to come in out of the rain?). Mary Kay thought she could make a living selling make-up, while Mrs. Field tried to support her family selling cookies! That's just crazy!

Now, we need to tell the truth here. A lot of crazy ideas really are...crazy. We've all had brilliant ideas in the middle of the night, only to find that in the clear light of day they weren't worth pursuing. I've made many fortunes while taking my shower, only to find them going down the drain when I tried to tell my partners about them. Just because an idea is weird doesn't mean it's wonderful.But many great ideas (and the fortunes) have been lost because the genius who thought it up was shy or lacked courage or was intimidated by someone commenting, “You can't do that!”

All great ideas were crazy before they were brilliant. Alexander Bell thought he could talk over copper wires, and even worse, Marconi thought he could send messages through thin air! When David Sarnoff wanted to launch the first radio network (now NBC), one investor ridiculed him by asking, "Who would pay to send a message to no one in particular?" Jules Verne thought people might one day travel under the ocean or, even more ridiculous, fly in outer space. How crazy was that!?If you can read this, you are a genius. You have had thousands of wonderful, creative, brilliant ideas--most of which you've never pursued, and that's a shame.

Success in life is not achieved by being "ordinary." It is not achieved by being "different," by following your own path and trusting your own instincts.One of my heroes, Henry Thoreau, recommended "marching to beat of your own drummer." No two people have the same DNA or the same fingerprints. No two lovers "do it" quite the same way. No two parents (not even spouses) raise their children quite the same way. Sea Biscuit was too small and ungainly to be a champion, but lives in history as one of the great race horses of all time.

To achieve your unique version of success, follow your heart. Yes, you'll want to learn from others. Yes, you'll want to obey the law and applicable regulations, but aside from those things, you become great by being exactly, and uniquely yourself. This is a call for more eccentrics, more individuals, more creative, unrepentant adventurers. Go where you heart and your instincts lead you. Follow your dream. Instead of following the "normal" highway, blaze a new path and leave a trail for others to follow.

Published by:
The Philip E. Humbert Group, Inc
PO Box 50910Eugene, OR 97405

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Stress Less in 2008

Stress Less in 2008

By: Aurelia Williams

STRESS. "Yes, the S word." Stress is the 'wear and tear' our bodies experience as we adjust to our constantly changing environment. Stress has both physical and emotional effects on us, and it can create positive or negative feelings.As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new consciousness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, insomnia, ulcers and other health problems.

As you can see, as we adjust to different situations, stress can either help or hinder us, depending on how we react to it.I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you shouldn't let things concern you, but what I do want to say is that you can slowly reduce the stress in your life.As women we wear many hats, and as moms our hat racks are overflowing. Be sure to recognize stressful situations and notice how you deal with them both mentally and physically.You remember the saying, "If mama' ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"? Well, I tend to agree with it, so I am very conscience of the stressful situations that I am confronted with, and I am sure to take time off so I can replenish my mind, body and spirit. Sit back, relax, and see if you can apply some or all of the action steps below into your life and take the road to less stress.Write it down.

Write down goals, errands, chores, due dates etc, and instead of creating just a To Do list, keep a Have Done list, too. Move things from your To Do list to the Have Done list after having completed them. At the end of the day, review how productive you were.Express yourself. Unloading your worries and concerns is a terrific way to clear your mind and reduce stress. It's very important not to keep everything inside, so try finding a friend or professional with whom you can talk. You can also write your feelings down in a journal. Moving things out of your head and onto paper can help you release a lot of the inner turmoil you may feeling.

Drink some orange juice. Scientists have discovered that vitamin C can reduce the production of stress hormones. Try eating an orange, drinking some juice, or taking a Vitamin C supplement. Here are a few foods that are rich in Vitamin C: broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, strawberries, grapefruit and cantaloupe. Exercise. Studies have shown that taking a brief 10 minute walk during intense times will increase the amount of oxygen to your brain, allowing you to think more clearly and ultimately helping you to make better decisions.Give yourself a license to be imperfect. No one is perfect. Give yourself a break.

Try to reach a healthy balance between what really needs to be done now and what can wait. Also, give yourself permission to ask others for help when you need it. Adjustments. Let's face it -- there comes a time when we have to make adjustments. Try to identify your stressors and adjust yourself so that you react differently to them.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Aladdin Factor - Why we don't ask for what we want

I don't like to shop. This has always been a weird concept for people to grasp because I am a woman. Some people believe that as a woman, part of your DNA is programmed to NEED to shop and spend money as a source of enjoyment, entertainment and excitement.

One of the reasons I don't enjoy shopping is that if you get something home and it doesn't work or fit, you have to take it back to the store and return it. I have never liked to return things. I'm not exactly sure what I am afraid of - probably a potential for conflict. But the bottom line is that if you don't shop, you don't have to return.

Well, you can imagine my interest when the first chapter of the Aladdin Factor addresses the whole issue of asking for what you want. There are actually REASONS and BARRIERS that keep people from asking and consequently settling for a not-so-great meal at a restaurant, a job that is less than fulfilling, even from getting help at school. It amounts to a life of settling for less than you want or deserve.

The five barriers are:

IGNORANCE (We don't know what's available or possible)

LIMITING AND INACCURATE BELIEFS (Programmed by our parents, school, media)

FEAR (Fear of rejection or looking stupid)

LOW SELF-ESTEEM (My needs are not important)

PRIDE (Fear of appearing weak or needy)

Not only will this book transform you as a businessperson, but also as a parent, spouse, child, volunteer, etc; It will change how you look at things forever!

Recommended Reading
The Aladdin Factor

Anything is possible.... if you dare to ask! Personal happiness. Creative fulfillment. Professional success. Freedom from fear -- and a new promise of joy that is yours for the asking. We have the ability at our fingertips to achieve these things. It is the Aladdin Factor, the magical wellspring of confidence, desire-and the willingness to ask -- that allows us to make wishes come true. Now bestselling motivational authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen introduce us to the Aladdin Factor -- and help us put it into effect in our own lives.

The Aladdin Factor helps us by pinpointing the major stumbling blocks to asking -- and teaching simple techniques to overcome them. With inspirational stories about people who have succeeded by asking for what they want, this book shows us how to turn our lives around -- no matter what kind of obstacle we face. And with this knowledge, we can reap the riches of a truly well-lived life -- a treasure that comes not from an enchanted lamp, but from the heart.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Goal setting - Questions for the New Year

Are your goals for 2008 solidified? Do you have a plan to move your business forward this year or are you still struggling with that “G” word?

Today we share a list of questions to ask yourself that may help you to formulate what it is that you really want in your business, home and life.

You may find that these questions are a good topic at your next team meeting or retreat. They are questions that will spark good discussion and sharing amongst team members.

What is the single most important thing you can do to improve the quality of your life this year?

What is the single biggest time-waster in your life and what can you do about it?

What's the most important way you will try to make this year different from last year?

What one thing could you do to improve your working habits this year?

What is the most important decision you need to make this year?

What area of your life most needs to be simplified and how can you achieve that?

What is your most important financial goal this year and what is the single most important step you can take toward achieving it?

What habit would you like to establish this year?

What skill do you most want to learn or improve this year?

What is the most important trip you want to take this year?

What one thing do you most regret about last year and what will you do about it this year?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

When life throws you a curve ball…

Curve Ball

Life happens and sometimes, we get thrown a curve ball. A job layoff, an unplanned pregnancy, a divorce or separation, challenges with children, a serious - even life threatening illness, or even the unexpected death of someone close. This is life and life happens.

Suddenly this crisis, whatever it may be, moves into your life and begins monopolizing everything. Your time, which was already at a premium, becomes more precious than ever.
How do you continue to work and grow a home-based business when crisis happens?
As with most of our tips - we write from personal experience. So…what DO you do when `life happens'?

First and foremost allow yourself some time to process, grieve and regroup. The beauty of being self-employed is that you don't have to ask the boss for time off of work.
DO communicate what's going on with key people in your organization and your home office if need be. It's OK to ask for help.

DO allow others to help you. If they want to cook a meal for your family or take over some of your duties temporarily - let them!

DO let the non-essentials slide - this is a great time to let go of any tendencies towards perfectionism that you might have.

DO make use of a laptop and cell phone if possible. This way you can still do business from wherever you may need to be.

DO make lists and use pockets of time. You can be very productive with a 15 minute pocket if you have a list that you are working from.

DO cut yourself some slack. This may be a time of re-assessing your goals at least temporarily and that too is OK.

DO surround yourself with positive people and positive thoughts. Now more than ever this is SO important. The power of prayer is amazing - try it if you haven't and don't be afraid to ask others to pray for you.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Recommended Reading - The Aladdin Factor

We are SO excited to share this fabulous book as our Recommended Reading this month. We have chosen The Aladdin Factor by Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield (the Chicken Soup for the Soul guys).

Teresa's team did a 180 degree turn after she read this book. She personally recruited 52 people that year - can you imagine what YOUR organization would look like if YOU recruited one person a week?

It helped her to learn to practice the JUST ASK principal which became her motto for recruiting and asking people to have parties. When her team leaders read the book, her organization absolutely exploded that year - with everyone practicing the JUST ASK principle it changed the culture of her business. It is an easy read and an easy philosophy to wrap your head around. The examples are terrific and will help remind you of how easy it can be to make some small changes to your thinking that will mean big changes to your business.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Get your parties into me!


We're having a great start in January! Some special mentions to the following Hive Members:

  • Darlene Debardelben - 4 parties this month so far
  • Theresa Small - 4 parties this months so far
  • Annette James, Shawna Straub, Cat Jaiver-Wong - 1 party for the month so far

January is getting off to a good start and I had one of the most FUN bday parties ever with 10 seventeen year olds that thought UB was the bomb! The entire party only took me one hour. It was awesome and they were naturals at getting some great scents together.

I loved when the bday girl's combo ended up having Tomato Leaf. A non-herby that loves that herby scent I bonded with her immediately.

Please send in your parties and your success stories. It's time to get back in the swing of things and get cranking for Valentines sales! Don't forget to read up on the January newsletter in the UB Office.

Monday, January 14, 2008

5 points worth memorizing!

In his book, “Being the Best You Can Be in MLM” author John Kalench discusses the 5 key questions in any prospects mind when considering your company's business opportunity. Committing these to memory will net increased confidence in your recruiting skills, which will, in turn, increase the number of people who you help get involved in the business.

Here are the questions:

1. Is this business simple?

2. Can I have fun doing it?

3. Can I make money doing it?

4. Will they help me do it?

5. Is the timing perfect for me to get involved - now?

It might help if you memorize just 5 key words:

1. Simple

2. Fun

3. $$

4. Help

5. Now

Over the next series of emails, we will discuss each of these 5 points and talk about ways you can integrate these concepts into all aspects of your business including your growth into management.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The “G” word

“When you know the `why' the `how' gets easy.” - Jim Rohn

We are going to hit on that “G” word again … Goals. By now you have had, or have at least have plans to have your “board meeting”.

When you deciding on your goals and sharing them with your spouse, ask yourself the following questions:

1. How will I feel when I achieve the goal?
2. How will it benefit my business?
3. What will it do for my family?
4. How will I feel because of the difference I have made in the lives of others?

Here are 6 points to remember when goal setting:

1. A goal gains power when it is written down. This allows it to become substantial and it will then begin to sketch itself into your subconscious mind. Post your goal in various places around your house where you will see it often.
2. A goal gains power when it depicts an event. Put it in terms of who, what where, when and then add DETAIL!
3. A goal gains power when its benefits are expressed. Select your destination, define it, depict an actual event and put yourself into it. Be sure to make it exciting…it needs to lift your spirits!
4. A goal gains power when entered into the subconscious mind. Use color, touch, emotional feelings and responses, taste and smell, and sounds.
5. A goal gains power when the subconscious mind delivers the “how”. Break your goal
into bite-sized daily steps.
6. A goal gains power when you act now!

A goal is a dream with a deadline. Be sure that your goal has a deadline, that it is written down and SHARED! Follow these action plans and as Zig Ziglar says, “We'll see YOU at the top!”

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I once heard about a young man who, in his eagerness to make it to the top, went to a well-known millionaire for advice about how to get there. "What is the first reason for your success?" he asked. "Hard work," the millionaire replied.

Disappointed, the inexperienced fellow responded, "What is the second reason?" We laugh at this young man's desire for a quick-and-easy formula, but his response brings up a much more serious question for people who aren't doing what they know they'd like to do. Are you willing to pay the price to get there? You don't get a fulfilling career at a bargain-basement price. In fact, the cost is often much higher than many people are willing to pay.

I've seen more examples of this than I can count. People embark on a new career path with energy and enthusiasm, only to fizzle out when they realize how much effort is involved. If they had counted the cost first--if they had seriously investigated what it would take to make them successful in that area--they may have gone another direction. Instead, they're right back where they started--dissatisfi ed and unfulfilled.

The way to avoid this scenario, of course, is to count the cost of doing what you'd like to do before you begin. So what does the price tag include? Here are just a few items:

1. Hard work
There's no way around this--you can't fulfill your career dream without a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and maybe even a little elbow grease. You also might have to spend time--perhaps large quantities of time--working diligently at jobs you don't particularly like in order to prepare yourself for the job you want.

2. Learning
Doing what you love might require you to acquire some new skills, polish existing abilities or earn another degree. Are you willing to devote the time, money and energy to making that happen?

3. Discipline
It takes focus and commitment to pursue your goal without getting sidetracked or giving up. Success doesn't just happen. You have to be intentional about it, and that takes discipline.

4. Change
At the surface, this might not seem like a significant price. After all, you wouldn't be engaging in this exercise if you didn't want a change in your life. And yet, as we all know, change isn't easy. It can cause stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and a host of other uncomfortable emotions.

5. Emotional stamina
On your way toward doing what you love, you're going to stumble and you might even take a few hard falls. When that happens, you've got to have the intestinal fortitude to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get going again. Do you? As you think about the price of doing what you want to do, remember that the specifics vary from job to job. One career path might require a higher cost in the area of learning, while another might take more emotional stamina. The only way to find out for sure how much you'll have to pay in each of these and other areas is to find someone who is having a great time doing what you'd like to do and ask them about the cost.

Ask them what they DID in order to DO what they do. The young man in our introduction got it partly right--he went to someone for advice about how to be successful. Sadly, his response shows that he was unwilling to pay the price. But it doesn't have to be that way for you. Now the ball is in your court. If you know what you want to do but aren't doing it yet, stop making excuses and start taking steps to make it happen. Don't wait until everything is perfect to begin, because everything will never be perfect. Don't put it off until tomorrow because tomorrow you'll be tempted to put it off until the next day. Just start. And as you begin, remember these three truths about the end result.

1. Doing what you want to do will be different than you imagined it would be.
2. It will be more difficult than you ever imagined.
3. And it will be better than you ever imagined. I can assure you that when you're doing what you really want to do, it's not work. It's fun because you're reaching your potential and you're helping others reach theirs.

It just doesn't get any better than that.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Is your New Year getting off on the right foot?

In addition to making 5-10 customer service calls a day, this week put away 2007 and make sure you are all set up for 2008. WARNING, don't get so side-tracked on this project that you forget about those all important customer calls!

Here are a few things you may want to get at the office supply store:

1) Banker's boxes for storing last year's customer files

2) File folders for this year's files

3) 2008 calendar

Take last year's files and put them in a banker's box for storage. You may still need access to these files so don't put them too far away! In a separate banker's box, gather all your (now sorted) 2007 information so it will be ready for your accountant. You will also want to keep this box handy as this month all your end of the year statements will be rolling in and your accountant will need those to prepare your taxes.

If you already have an organization system in place for files, then just replicate it for this year. If you don't, the following list is a suggested set of files you may want for 2008.
Also, label one file folder for each month, January through December 2008. This will be for each month's customer/master orders.

Business/Home file folders can be labeled as follows (yours may vary, these are suggestions only):

Auto (gas, repairs, tolls, parking, car payments)

Bank Statements (consider separate file folders for each account)


Computer expenses (including software, cable bills and website bills)


Credit Card Statements

Gift Certificates





Mortgage (or rent)

Office Supplies



Travel (airline expenses, meals while traveling etc;)


Take an hour or two to organize now, and you'll save yourself mountains of time all year.

Monday, January 7, 2008

It's time for a BOARD MEETING!

Happy New Year! It's time for your annual BOARD MEETING. If you are married, sit down with your spouse. (If you are single, sit down with yourself or a business buddy.) The agenda is simple and yet extremely effective for long range business planning. The goal is two-fold. First, determine where you'd like your business to be at this time next year. Second, communicate and share mutual goals with your spouse. This beginning of the year board meeting will include your spouse in your business (and vice versa) and will set a standard of team work within your household.

Take this meeting seriously, give it the respect it deserves. Do this without the children underfoot (this may require a little planning and perhaps even a night out with a babysitter - YOU PAY!)

Together, sit down with your calendars for the year. What events are in place for both of you? When will your spouse be in and out of town? What meetings (including kick-offs and conventions) do you have coming up? If you are attending your company's annual incentive trip, what are the dates? What activities do the children have and when?

Take some time to reflect on last year. Running a home business has its own set of challenges and certainly impacts family life both positively and sometimes negatively. What worked well last year and what needs to change? Be prepared to hear some things you might not like, but try not to get defensive and take it personally.

Share your business goals for this year with your spouse. What are you working towards this year? What would you like your income to be at the end of 2008 and how will that help your family? Is there another family bill that you will commit to paying this year with your business income (this is music to every spouse's ear!) What company incentives are you working toward and what's in it for your family? What help do you need from your spouse? How do you need to help him/her? Men (spouses) don't like surprises!

Finally, present your business plan. What will you need to do to accomplish this goal? How many parties and recruiting appointments must you hold each week? What will your work schedule be in terms of evenings or days when you will be out doing parties and appointments? Be ready to tweak and fine-tune based on input from your spouse.

Treat your business like a business. Have a plan, work it, and give your spouse the job of holding you accountable to the plan. You will find that communication is the key to smooth sailing in a home-based business. Put a post-it note on your bathroom mirror or your refrigerator and don't take it down…_________________(fill in your spouses name) doesn't like surprises!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Farewell to 2007

I know I've been pretty quiet these last few weeks and I think I've been silently praying to make it through the end of 2007 because December has probably been THE worst month of all for this year and I've been dreading it terribly.

Here is pretty much the sum up of December for my family:

  • Flip House basement floods and causes over $3000 worth of damage

  • Hubby redoes all the baseboard trim in flip house garage and roof leaks and ruins all the paint job.

  • Horrible flooding and storm in WA causes Beach House to be out of power for 1 week. Entire refrigerator defrosts and leaks in kitchen. 4 hour drive to clean up mess and handle everything.

  • Due to financial situation with 3 houses, hubby and decide to NOT exchange Cmas presents

  • 12/30 my cat went to the vet because she wouldn't stop throwing up

  • 12/31 at 11pm we put her down due to kidney failure from bad genetics :(

So you can see I'm VERY happy 2007 is over. There were a lot of great moments but I'm happy to say that 2008 has already started off well and I'm hoping to REALLY enjoy this year and have it be successful for all of us! Get cracking on your UBS goals!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Countdown to Christmas and New Years - Quick tip to start the year on a positive note! January 2nd - FINAL in the series.

Before 2007 becomes a distant memory - sit down NOW and pull together your financial records in preparation for filing your 2007 taxes. Be sure all of your checks and credit card transactions have been spread into the appropriate categories so that you can best take advantage of all the deductions that a home business offers.

Give your tax preparer a call NOW and set up your appointment. For those of you with college age children, the earlier you put your records together, the faster you can fill out your FASFA forms.