Sunday, November 18, 2007

“But I feel funny getting something FREE…”

“My husband doesn't like me to invite people over so that I can get something for free.”
“I feel funny getting something free because my friends bought something at my house.”

If you have been in party plan for even just a few months, the chances are you have received some version of the above objection from someone you have asked to host a party.

So, for those reluctant hostesses - you might suggest that they donate the free or discounted product that they earn to a needy organization. The holidays are a great time for hostesses to organize a party to benefit their local food pantry, homeless shelter, Toys for Tots, Samaritan's purse, Salvation Army; the list goes on and on. Clearly, the product that you sell will help to determine the beneficiary - but this is a wonderful way for a hostess to help give back to her community.

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