Monday, November 12, 2007

Bittersweet Than Sweet

So today was The Big Day! After listening to everything that could possibly be wrong with my baby before the ultrasound, finding out the sex was definitely second fiddle to making sure the baby was healthy. We were very lucky and the news is great!

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This pregnancy has been SO different I was positive that a little girl would be the news of the day today. Imagine my surprise when "she" had a penis! Oh well, we're good with 2 boys in the house hold and at least I know how to be a "boy's" Mom so I'm fine with the outcome though one of each would have been nice but then again, 2 healthy boys is my preference any day.

So for today it's all Shawna news and no UB news so hopefully no one minds!

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Kim said...

Congratulations, Shawna!

I, too, was so sure I was pregnant with a girl until we saw the "obvious" on the ultrasound. Now, though I often yearn for girly things and wonder what it would be like to have a girl in the house besides me, I couldn't imagine not having my boy (as you know from your own experience!).

Glad it's all going well. So happy for you!

The Garden Maiden said...

Conrats Shawna!

The Garden Maiden said...

Oh I had to change my name because of online bad guys. Tami

UB Queen Bee said...

LOL - I couldn't figure you out Tami thanks for the heads up :)

UB SoCal said...

Congratulations Shawna!!! For me, God knew exactly what He was doing when he made me the Mom of Boys. Back when, I also yearned for estrogen in the house. Now...not so much! I have more than enough estrogen for this house! LOL! Boys are fun! Congrats!